Anyone tried it yet? I can't find any of my Forest folk :( Any tips?
Am I wrong to be searching Glous?
Mind you I don't think the wildcard search is working yet, all mine are probable incorrect spellings :(
I was just looking at the districts listed under Glous on a place search. Am I right in thinking they are not all there?, doesn't seem to be many in the list..
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by robdavis , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 06:07 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
I have only had a very quick look but couldn't find my Forest relatives. It could be that as the District on previous cenuses was Chepstow (for my part of the Forest at least) that this is somehow recorded under Monmouthshire and those records have not been added as yet. There was one census year when Aylburton / Lydney came under the Wales census because of this. Anyone know the districts for Monmouthshire / Gloucestershire?
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 06:13 (5895 days ago) @ robdavis
Thanks Rob :)
I did wonder about Monmouth, will have to wait and see then
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Barbara Lloyd , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 06:18 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
Hi Simone
I have only managed to find my Cheltenham - Gloucester families. Be aware that the person search is done by the name that was put in the census (for example: Clement Albert Rueben Lloyd was called Albert Lloyd by his Mother who filled the form in and it wasn't until we put Bertha Lloyd into the search did we find him as Albert. "Albert" was my Husband's Father and we had never heard that version of his name.
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 07:55 (5895 days ago) @ Barbara Lloyd
Yes Barbara, I've been jigging about with names too, think I found one relative in Stroud, but not really the one I want at the moment. Found some Liverpool Relatives, but at about £1.00 per transcript and £2.50 a peep at the images, you would need to be certain of the ones you find! Still it has to be paid for and glad we have it. Will have to get myself in order and makes sure I know what I'm looking at first!!
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Roger Griffiths , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 10:31 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
I tried it this afternoon. I have long completed my wider family tree
for the 19th and 20th Century's but was interested in any changes of address by 1911. There are problems despite knowing people and places. OK, it cost millions to produce it (private venture) but they will recoup the cost in short order. I won't be using it again.
The 1901 Census Online is far superior. It even appears to include the 1891, 1871, 1861, 1851 and 1841 censuses, the last being a brilliant jumping off point for the 18th century, which I have also completed. I don't remember all this being publicized. You have to pay to download records but the initial information given makes it a whole lot easier to identify and therefore pay for the correct record.
Roger Griffiths
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by alison2 , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 09:45 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
Findmypast have set up the 1911 Census Site and having searched earlier Censuses on that site I have found that a lot of the Forest of Dean Area comes under Monmouthshire ie anywhere in the Chepstow and Monmouth Districts and I would think they will do the same with the 1911 Census.
We will just have to be patient, all Counties in England and Wales should be working by the Summer, according to the Newsletter I received on Sunday from the 1911 Site.
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by kateJ, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 11:06 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
Could not find any of my relations, just wasted a lot of time. Won't be trying it again for a while
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 11:35 (5895 days ago) @ kateJ
Thanks for your replies everyone. I suppose patience a bit longer is needed and then a bit more whilst ironing out any teething problems.
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 11:36 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
anyone remember the 1901 launch :-)
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Celia61, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 21:54 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
Hi Simone, Found Great-grandma Selina Harris F.o.D. and some of her family in Drybrook(Glos.) first try, so very pleased with results.
Also got the B'ham results I was interested in; used my FH budget for this month!!
Good searching.
Cheers, Celia
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by reporter, Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 22:53 (5895 days ago) @ Simone
The cost is ridiculous for any serious research. With my current access to databases I search for any missing family members, follow up those who are nieces, nephews, grandkids etc and also look at originals for neighbours. And then I search for evidence that my "John Smith" is indeed correct by eliminating and recording all other possibles........
A search for my mother bn 1909 showed zero, but her mother, father and a couple of sibs seemed to be there. My bank balance would be sorely hurt if I went surfing for her!
Await Ancestry's acquisition with deep pockets and short arms.
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 00:59 (5895 days ago) @ reporter
Hi Bob and Celia
Glad you got results Celia, know what you maen about the budget. Unfortunately my Ancestry expired over xmas and haven't been able to renew as yet, although they have offered my 20% discount, so very tempted to go for it. Not sure which to go for though, thought I may just do the essentials package that just gives census and BMD, I've not really used the parish records on there so don't know if they are worth extra to upgrade to Premium membership, or are they just what is on IGI. Maybe someone can put me right :)
Bob...'Await Ancestry's acquisition with deep pockets and short arms.' You're from the same gene pool as me then! -; I've got the pockets and arms too -;
I heard on another board that there are no plans for Ancestry to have the 1911, so it may be a long wait.
I totally understand that it costs them to digitize etc so I fully understand the fees being necessary, but it's so frustrating when you can see people on there and can't get to view because of the cost! There's also a little mystery I would like to solve. Trouble is that when you view you will then be faced with more questions so will then want to view more. I know a number of people not viewing because of the cost. I wonder if they lowered the fee more would use it and they would be better off in the long term maybe?
Good Luck everyone anyway.
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by winky , Winelands, South Africa, Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 21:00 (5894 days ago) @ Simone
Hi Simone,
My cousin has just told me that Forest of Dean has been included under Wales and so is not yet available. On the basis that Family Search did not get the Welsh records this may be a problem!
I agree with others about the costs, I realise they need to cover theirs! I fell foul of this with Genes Reunited when I first started my tree and spent a small fortune! I must admit this previous experience makes me a little nervous again about paying for so much inappropriate information. Yes, I too hope Ancestry gets their finger out although I did notice they were voted the worst site of 2008!
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 21:31 (5894 days ago) @ winky
Westbury on Severn is certainly in the online 1911, so I can find people in Cinderford etc.
We may have to hold our breath for the 1911 on Ancestry, I have seen no commitment to providing it. This information is commercially "valuable" as well as of great interest to us budding social historians. So given the tender to acquire rights to this info and partnership with National Archives, the existing arrangement is likely to stay for a while.
It was a fair assumption that this info would be available via Ancestry at some point ( based on prior events) but there is now another player in town, so expect some changes in how we access and pay for this information. Sorry :-(
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by bertha, Thursday, January 15, 2009, 01:29 (5894 days ago) @ winky
I've found lots of my Forest of Dean ancestors in the 1911 Census.
Perhaps it's only certain areas of the Forest of Dean that come under Wales.
It may be worth you just searching for the names of your ancestors in the 1911 Census, (before parting with any hard earned cash)! just to make sure.
Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Barbara B , Friday, January 16, 2009, 09:40 (5892 days ago) @ winky
I also tried the 1911 census but no luck with my ancestors. I have e-mailed the Ancestry site to see if they will be getting the 1911 census at any time and this is there response.
Due to the nature of the distribution agreement we don't yet know when this content will be available to publishers so that it can be supplied within a subscription service.This content is currently only available on pay per view via the 1911 census website.
They went on to say that they are working to release the London Metropolitan Archives collection which predates the civil registration in 1837 and date as far back as the 1500's.
It looks as though we will have a long wait to see the 1911 census on Ancestry.
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Friday, January 16, 2009, 10:53 (5892 days ago) @ Barbara B
Thanks Barbara. Will have to get the piggy bank out and start saving!
Funny how some get results and not others. The name I was looking for is Frowen which I realise could be mistranscribed, but when I search with just the surname a few do come up but none of mine, and I have a lot of Frowens in my tree. I can't believe that all of mine are transcribed incorrectly.
Suppose we'll just have to wait and see a bit longer :(
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Dorothy2 , Dursley Glos, Friday, January 16, 2009, 23:29 (5892 days ago) @ Simone
I could find none of my ancestors on 1911 at first try. I had left over credits and a subscription from way back with Find My Past so logged into that site and tried again. This time there they were. I think you have to buy credits before you get results. There was no general search facility without paying up front. Could be coincidence I suppose.
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Saturday, January 17, 2009, 01:40 (5892 days ago) @ Dorothy2
Hi Dorothy
I can't get them even when I log in :(
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by selbyfamily , Friday, January 16, 2009, 23:32 (5892 days ago) @ Simone
Hi everyone
My gripe is that I have a subscription with Find My Past but have to buy credits to access the 1911 until it is put on the Find My Past website later in the year, hopefully!! My mother was born in 1910 and I have found her entry but do I pay to see it in full or do I wait until the end of the year?!! I think I will pick out the ones I really want to look at and do it for the smallest amount of money as it is expensive if you want to look at all your relatives. I also have the same problem as other people as I want to access Selby relatives in the Hewelsfield/St Briavels area (as well as Glamorgan) but these come under Monmouthshire so again maybe a long wait. Still, it keeps us busy and it's good to have a moan sometimes!
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Saturday, January 17, 2009, 01:42 (5892 days ago) @ selbyfamily
I've been trying to decide whether to pay for my Liverpool rellies, or should I wait until the census goes on FindmyPast subs too! Oh decisions, decisions,......trying not to think about it now.... distracting myself with other lines of enquiry!!
Simone x
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by vcatkinson , Saturday, January 17, 2009, 03:59 (5892 days ago) @ Simone
I tried it at the Beta session as I had my father with me and his family would be on there (he is 93, his father died when he was 2) I managed to find the entry and bought the page as it was the first time my father would have seen his father's signature BUT my grandmother who was on the page is not indexed at all.
I also managed to get my father's grandfather's sheet and I considered it worth it for my father, but it is way too expensive - I tried to find my Grandfather Thomas david Smith born 1889 and he would have been a police man in London - There were too many - 5 Pages - there is no way I am paying abt £100 looking at all the transcripts in the hope of finding him!
When Gloucestershire came on I too could not find one of my forest ancestors.
If there was a field to search on place of birth it would be simpler.
V Atkinson
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by vcatkinson , Saturday, January 17, 2009, 04:12 (5892 days ago) @ vcatkinson
Further to the above I tried putting WEST DEAN in the search for my grandfather (Thomas Smith) and it gave only one result so I spent the £1 and it was him!!
V Atkinson
Anyone tried the 1911 census
by Simone , Saturday, January 17, 2009, 04:39 (5892 days ago) @ vcatkinson
Hi V Atkinson
Glad you found him! Interesting you granmother was not indexed, wonder why that is?
I also find that the year range should be more, perhaps 5 yrs each way instead of just 2, it would save the number of searches you have to do.
Simone x