1911 census tip! (update -all over now 4/2/09) (General)

by Simone @, Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 05:28 (5881 days ago)

Just wanted to pass on this great tip courtesy of Gordon on the Liverpool boards :)


To ascertain everyone in the same 1911 Census household for free :-

'Using the standard search function, find the person you want and refine the search criteria to eliminate the others so that only that one person is on the page. You can do this by use of age, gender, year, county, district, etc.
Once you have found the person and they are the ONLY one shown on the page, look at the URL and you will see that in the address is the word "results2" or "results4". Change the number to a 3 then hit enter to do the search again.
When the results are displayed, scroll to the bottom of the page and an address is shown. Now copy the address (including any errors) and go back to the "search" page. Remove EVERYTHING you had in previously, put a comma (or a full stop) in the surname box (it has to have something) and paste the address in to the RESIDENCE field and press "Search"

The search results should now include all persons in the household.'

Simone x

nb I have tried with a couple of people on initial search results,, works just as well, just gives you more than 1 address to look at...

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