Forest Church Jubilee School ,Broadwell Lane End (General)

by emilyellen @, Sunday, February 01, 2009, 04:09 (5877 days ago) @ slowhands

As you advised to mark the Golden Jubilee of P.M.Proctor's school and chapel at Berry Hill, W.H.Taylor minister of Christchurch in 1864 opened the National School at Broadwell Lane End, known as The Forest Church Jubilee School.
I now realise Ellen Hale worked the controversial tapestry to mark the Golden Jubilee of P.M.Proctors school and chapel at Berry Hill. In the absence of the word school I had mistakenly associated the tapesty with The Forest Church, Drybrook whose Golden Jubilee date appeared to coincide with the tapestry dates.
I had failed over the past three years to make any other connection to The Forest Church.
Ellen Hale was baptised in 1867 (born 1852) and married my grandfather James James in 1874, both events being solemnised by W.H.Taylor in Christchurch (confirmation by a copy of the marriage certificate).
The close proximity of their homes before marriage at Barn Hill Pit and Coalway Road help to confirm that you pointed me, in just twenty four hours,the correct direction.
My sincere thanks

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