Advice needed re: Memoranda notes on a burial record (General)

by Joanne, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 03:00 (5868 days ago)


I have now found Hubert Roberts and Maria Roberts (nee Smith) in the burials on this site. They were my 2XG Grandparents.

8 Apr 1942 - Hubert Roberts, Quarryman aged 66, Interment, Coleford Cemetery,
Memoranda: (1) 1 High Street Westbury On Severn (2) Section B Adult Grave (3) J 13 (4) Consecrated (5) Westbury On Severn

10 Apr 1942 - Maria Roberts wife of Hubert Roberts age 67, Interment, Coleford Cemetery, - Memoranda: (1) Elm Cottage, Broadwell, Near Coleford, (2) Section B Adult Grave (3) L 13 (4) Consecrated (5) West Dean

I am confused over what each part of the memoranda's mean. Were they both buried at Coleford Cemetery or was it just the service that was held there? if so was Hubert buried in Westbury and Maria somewhere in West Dean? Please note that the dates are only two days apart.

Any advice welcomed

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