WOOD and PREW of Walford and Ruardean (General)

by Susan Johnson, Friday, February 13, 2009, 22:58 (5864 days ago)

My Grt Grandfather was James wood whose parents were Frederick Wood and Ellen Jane Prew born 1857 her family from Cheltenham / Stanway. Ellen was married in 1881 at Walford and one of the witnesses was a Thomas Davies the other being Alice Prew. Her fahter was a Machine sawyer at the time of their marriage The marriage was conducted by Arthur Stonhouse who also baptised my Grandfather.

I am wondering if there is a connection. My Mum told me that Mark Prew was a Potman in Ruardean 1930 onward and that he may have died in Ross. My grandfather Wood's sister married a Davies and that Frank and Emily Davies were his cousins. Emily Davies married a Marfell. Frederick was a coal hewer below ground and was born in Tredegar but the family may have been from the Forest originally.

The family were livivng at Ruardean Hill in 1901. My Grandfather James Wood witnessed the bears incident when he was out walking with his father. Ellen was living at 'Modderets' Walford and on the 1881 Census her fahter Mark is a Woodman NB: on the LDS 1881 transcription there are entered as Preece not Prew.
Ellen had siblings David, Alice, Mark James, Mary Jane and it seems ther emay bee significant family in Stanway.

Mark Prew was living in 1901 in Cheltenham 24 Brunswick St with son Edward and d in Law Emma and son James. I have photo copy of photo of Mark and his daughters.

Hope this maybe of use to someone.
Regards Sue Johnson ( Blake)

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