Cockayne & Page - The Crime (General)

by dink999, Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 05:04 (5861 days ago) @ slowhands

Not a nice one this

The Offence

Feloniuosly, violently assaulting and against her will did ravish and carnally know one Jane GOODALL at East Dean on 6/6/1876

The Verdict

Guilty of aiding and abetting others to commit Rape

The Accused

Richard MORGAN aged 19 Guilty sentenced to 10 years
John MORGAN aged 18 Guilty, 15 years
William WATKINS 21 Guilty, 15 years
Thomas FISHER 17 Guilty, 15 years
Richard RAVENALL 17 Aquitted
Frederick DYER 17 Guilty, 10 years
William BARRETT 27 Guilty, 10 years
Thomas GOODE 20 Guilty, 10 years
Henry COCKAYNE 15 Guilty, 15 years
Jesse COCKAYNE 17 Guilty, 15 years

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