Jane Stephens bpt 1735 or 1738 ? (General)
by GrandDad, Friday, February 20, 2009, 00:58 (5858 days ago)
I have come to a fork in my family tree ?
Jane Stephens wife to Francis Read. I can only find one suitable candidate born 7 Apr 1738, dau' of William & Sarah Stephens.
Several other family trees with obvious connections have her birth in 1735 dau' of Stephens & Mary Wilde ?
Am I going off on wrong track ?
Where is source for Jane born 1735 ?
Jane Stephens bpt 1735 or 1738 ?
by jimashton , Friday, February 20, 2009, 01:25 (5858 days ago) @ GrandDad
Hi GrandDad
I have the Jane Stephens who married Francis Read 26 Aug 1760 Ruardean as being born in 1728 to William Stephens and Sarah. I have her baptism as 9 April 1738 aged 10 at Lea. This baptism is not on this web site. Pasted below is the entry found on the LDS web site, which I would always prefer to substantiate from other sources, but have not been able to in this case.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
Search Results | Download | Print
Christening: 09 APR 1738 Leigh, Gloucester, England
Mother: SARAH
Jim Ashton
Jane Stephens bpt 1735 or 1738 ?
by reporter, Friday, February 20, 2009, 02:05 (5858 days ago) @ jimashton
Hi Jim
Can you clarify the bit about her being aged 10 - is that on the baptism record you have? If indeed she was born 1728, it makes her approx 53 when she had last child Henry bp 29 Jul 1781 - a bit old, but not impossible though. I've just reviewed and amended the Jane I had to this one, and IGI batch no c029801 throws up sibs of Mary, William and John. They'd be 4th gt grandaunts, but don't want to pursue until I'm reasonable sure of Jane!
Note 2 days different from the IGI
Record_ID: 247867
Year: 1738
Month: Apr
Day: 7
Parents_Surname: STEPHENS
Child_Forenames: Jane
Fathers_Forenames: W[illia]m
Mothers_Forenames: Sarah
Residence: the Parish of New Land
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: AG68/2
Parish_Chapel: Lea
Soundex: S315
Bob Jenkins
Jane Stephens bpt 1735 or 1738 ?
by jimashton , Friday, February 20, 2009, 05:09 (5858 days ago) @ reporter
Hi Bob
Much of my information on this line came from a researcher in North Carolina who is no longer contactable. I have her death recorded as 1810, buried in Ruardean 30th March 1810 aged 82 which is probably where I have her birth as 1728.
Jim Ashton
Jane Stephens bpt 1735 or 1738 ?
by reporter, Friday, February 20, 2009, 05:21 (5858 days ago) @ jimashton
Here's a Jane Read 1728 who could have remained unmarried
record_id 53461
Entry Number 3126
Year 1728
Month Sep
Day 12
Parents Surname READ
Child Forename(s) Jane
Father's Forename(s) Francis
Mother's Forename(s) Margaret
Mother's Surname
Place of Residence
Officiating Minister
Event type Baptism
Register Reference P275 IN 1/2
Page No 4
Parish/Chapel Ruardean
Jane Stephens bpt 1735 or 1738 ?
by jimashton , Saturday, February 21, 2009, 01:40 (5857 days ago) @ reporter
Hi Bob
I think you are probably right and I have changed my tree accordingly. Thanks for finding the baptism for Jane Stephens on the F o D web site, I cannot think why I couldn't find it.
Jim Ashton
Jane Stephens - the answer!
by reporter, Saturday, February 21, 2009, 23:34 (5857 days ago) @ GrandDad
Couldn't sleep last night and brain turned to the discrepancy between the Jane Read burial record which indicated birth was 1728 and baptismal record in 1738.Checking on deaths, Francis died aged abt 53, leaving Jane aged just 45....a healthy, middle aged experienced lady......she remarried! Her death record seems to confirm, thus scratching the 1728 birth theory. Must have been another Jane Read.
re marries after death of Francis in 1783:
Record_ID: 61758
Entry_Number: 380
Year: 1790
Month: Oct
Day: 19
Grooms_Surname: JONES
Grooms_Forenames: Tho[ma]s
Grooms_Residence: Newland
Brides_Surname: READ
Brides_Forenames: Jane
Brides_Residence: Newland
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both mark
Witness_1: John Davis
Witness_2: Thos Bond
Officiating_Minister: P Ball vicar
Event: Marriage
Notes: BT's state brides name as Redbok
Register_Reference: P227 IN 1/8
Page_Number: 664
Parish_Chapel: Newland
Record_ID: 40122
Entry_Number: 3812
Year: 1807
Month: Aug
Day: 4
Surname: JONES
Forenames: Jane
Event: Burial
Memoranda: alias READ
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/6
Page_No: 60
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: J520
Record_ID: 61758
Entry_Number: 380
Year: 1790
Month: Oct
Day: 19
Jane Stephens - the answer!
by GrandDad, Sunday, February 22, 2009, 00:18 (5857 days ago) @ reporter
Hi Reporter,
These look right ???
Explains why not able to find Jane Read's death.
But what is
notes: BT's state brides name as Redbok ??????
Jane Stephens - the answer!
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, February 22, 2009, 00:35 (5857 days ago) @ GrandDad
BT's are the Bishops Transcripts ( of the registers)
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Jane Stephens - the answer!
by jimashton , Sunday, February 22, 2009, 01:05 (5856 days ago) @ reporter
Well Done Bob
I think this nicely raps it up. I have a copy of the Ruardean BT's from 1607 to 1812 - with gaps. I have just looked at Burials 1807 and it looks to me more like Jane Jones - or "Dipper" I will email you a copy of the 1807 Burial page to see what you think.
Jim Ashton
Jane Stephens - the answer!
by reporter, Sunday, February 22, 2009, 01:53 (5856 days ago) @ jimashton
Hi Jim
The date tallies with the FoD transcript - now to find out about "Dipper". On the FoD it says "alias Read" - seems a strange way of putting it. Maybe she was known as "Dipper Read" ???
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, February 22, 2009, 02:28 (5856 days ago) @ reporter
I'm sure I have seen occupations as Dipper in Tin Works - and given Redbrook's association I wonder ..........
A dipper was involved in making tin boxes, canisters, etc. by dipping the
seams and ends of tins in acid then in a small bath of solder to make the
A sorter, aka assorter, (tin boxes), sorted the tin plates, and/or
inspected the finished boxes for defects.
Now the other option is Dipper as in Pick Pocket !
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>