My grandmother-in-law was a Brooks born in Clearwell. My husband was always told that she was descended from the Maddox family. When he was young, he was shown a stone effigy in Chepstow church. It's of a woman with the surname Maddox, lying on, as he puts it, a big stone chest. He was told that she was one of his ancestors. The problem is that he can't remember her first name, or when she lived. He thinks it was the 1600s, but he's not sure. We now live in north east England, so it's a bit difficult to do any on the spot research.
Does anyone know of this effigy in the church, and have more details about it please?
St Mary's church Chepstow
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Saturday, February 21, 2009, 09:23 (5857 days ago) @ essjay
The Jacobean tomb of local benefactor Margaret Cleyton with her two husbands and 12 children is the most famous.
Chepstow Town Council has a web site, look under tourist info, St Marys church
for a photo :-
"...the rebuilding of the Gate House in 1609 by Mrs Margaret Cleyton, a notable Chepstow resident and benefactress to the town. She lived here until her death in 1627. Her elaborate tomb is in the Parish Church".
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
St Mary's church Chepstow
by essjay , Saturday, February 21, 2009, 09:42 (5857 days ago) @ slowhands
Thank you for that information.
So her second husband was a Cleyton? Was she born a Maddox, was her first husband a Maddox, or has my husband's family got it all wrong and there is no connection at all with the Maddox family?
That's the problem with family legend as I've found out with my own family. Sometimes things which have been held as true for generations turn out to have been a bit, shall we say, off the mark!
St Mary's church Chepstow
by biddy , Saturday, February 21, 2009, 12:01 (5857 days ago) @ essjay
Yes, Margaret was a Maddoxe (Madocke or various versions on the theme)and was born about 1536 at Wibdon (Stroat). She married first Thomas Shipman c1556 (ten daughters and two sons, but seems likely all but two daughters died), and then Richard Cleyton c1595.
Ivor Waters, a Chepstow historian, did quite a detailed account of her life for the Chepstow Society.
MADOCKE , Wibdon/Stroat
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Saturday, February 21, 2009, 20:53 (5857 days ago) @ biddy
An estate at Wibdon was in the possession of the Madocke family for a long period. (fn. 86) John Madocke of Wibdon died in 1587 and his son Edmund was dealing with lands there in 1599. (fn. 87) Edmund died in 1626 and his grandson John Madocke owned lands in Wibdon in 1630; John died in 1643 and was succeeded by his son Edmund. Edmund was succeeded on his death in 1693 by his son John, (fn. 88) who was said to have a handsome house and a good estate at Wibdon c. 1710; (fn. 89) John died in 1730. By c. 1775 the Madocke's estate had passed to William Sheldon and the house was in ruins. (fn. 90)
From: 'Tidenham including Lancaut: Manors and other estates', A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume 10: Westbury and Whitstone Hundreds (1972), pp. 62-68. URL: Date accessed: 22 February 2009.
Memorial Inscription -
SS Mary & Peter's Churchyard,Tidenham, Gloucestershire
John MADOCKE of Wibdon, Gent,
Who deceased 7 Aug 1587
Edmond, son, who deceased, 24 Oct 1826
Anselm MADOCKE, s/o Edmond, deceased 15 Aug 1615
John, s/o Anselme, deceased, in the year 1643
Edmond MADOCKE, s/o John, 22 June 1696
John, s/o Edmond, MADOCKE, who deceased 8 Feb 1730
Bridget MADOCKE of Wibdon,
Benefactress in MDCCXXVI (1726) to this parish,
Of Tidenham, her place of birth & burial
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
MADDOX in Chepstow church
by essjay , Sunday, February 22, 2009, 05:09 (5857 days ago) @ essjay
Thank you both, slowhands and biddy.
So if Margaret was born a Maddox (or variant) the name can't have passed through her directly as her name changed when she married. Is my husband descended from another member of her family? Or perhaps one of her descendants married back into the Maddox family. Or maybe he's no relation at all, his ancestors just have the same name!
My husband says he remembers Ivor Waters from when his family lived in Chepstow in the early 1970s.
MADDOX in Chepstow church
by richards , Sunday, February 22, 2009, 09:59 (5856 days ago) @ essjay
Margaret Madocke born in Wibdon was the daughter of John Madocke of Alvington and Alice Langley of Christchurch, Monmouthshire She was one of 12 siblings
She Married Thomas Shipman who was Sheriff of Bristol in 1556. He probably came from a family of Bristol Merchants. Thomas died in 1591 She then married Richard Cleyton abt. 1595 described as an Agent or dealer buying property and land in 1604. Richard died in July 1605. He left most of his estate, including a George Inn on what is now Hardwick Avenue, to Margaret with some charitable benefactions and bequests to friends & family.Margaret died in April 1627 when she was the largest property owner in Chepstow
MADDOX in Chepstow church
by wyerunner , Monday, February 23, 2009, 06:46 (5856 days ago) @ essjay
Hello sjay
I called by the church in Chepstow today and it was open so I found your tomb and have taken pics for you.
I am sending them as attachments via the e mail envelope on your posting and I have not tried that before so I hope it works. If not, we will have to try something else.
Hope they are what you would like.