Reuben BRAIN 1869 Bream (General)
I think I have found my Gfather Reuben Brain on the 1891 Census, he is shown as Reuben BLAIN, transcriptin error I think. It shows him as Head with Mary Watkins as his mother [married]. I think on the 1881 census he is shown as Reuben Ricketts[Rickards]. I am now trying to trace the marriage of Mary [Richards/Ricketts/Rickards/Brain] to ??? Watkins. I have found a William and Mary Watkins on the 1901 Census. Its all rather a muddle, so can anyone shed some light on it, before I go completely mad.
Reuben BRAIN 1869 Bream -prior locked thread
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>