Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents? (General)

by stephenmiller @, Thursday, March 05, 2009, 09:48 (5845 days ago)

I am looking for Mary vaughan born 1768/1769 Ruardean. Mary married John Thompson in 1792 Ruardean.

who were her parents - there seems to be two options:

1)John Vaughan + Elizabeth Bennett = Mary Vaughan christened AUG 1769

or 2) Richard Vaughan + Betty Gagg = Mary Vaughan christened DEC 1768

Does anyone have Mary on their tree and can help me figure out her parents?


Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by hawdon @, Alcossebre Spain, Thursday, March 05, 2009, 10:03 (5845 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Hi Stephen

Mary Vaughan 1768 Parents Richard and Betty Gagg had a brother John Vaughan who married an Elizabeth Bennett. Parents James Bennett and Elizabeth. A witness at the wedding is John Bennett.

Record_ID: 16411
Entry_Number: 708
Year: 1792
Month: Jul
Day: 14
Grooms_Surname: THOMPSON
Grooms_Forenames: John
Brides_Surname: VAUGHAN
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: spinster
Brides_Residence: Ruardean
Licence_or_Banns: Licence
Signature_or_Mark: both signed
Witness_1: Lettice VAUGHAN
Witness_2: John BENNETT
Officiating_Minister: J H BEESTON - minister
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/4
Page_Number: 0
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex_Groom: T512
Soundex_Bride: V250

There is a John Bennett 1789:-
Record_ID: 55419
Entry_Number: 5084
Year: 1789
Month: Aug
Day: 16
Parents_Surname: BENNETT
Child_Forenames: John
Fathers_Forenames: James
Mothers_Forenames: Elizabeth
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/6
Page_Number: 10
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: B530

Same parents. Possibility.


Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by hawdon @, Alcossebre Spain, Thursday, March 05, 2009, 10:08 (5845 days ago) @ hawdon

Hi again Stephen

OOPS just realised that would have made John 3 years old when he was a witness. Sorry.


Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 01:09 (5845 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Hi Stephen

I believe the parents of Mary Vaughan who married John Thompson to be Richard Vaughan and Betty Gagg.

Noting the response from Dave. I too have the John Vaughan who married Elizabeth Bennett as the brother of Richard Vaughan who married Betty Gagg. Richard Vaughan and John Vaughan were sons of Richard Vaughan and Mary Morgan.
At the 14 Jul 1792 wedding between John Thompson and Mary Vaughan Witness_1: Lettice VAUGHAN Witness_2: John BENNETT. John Vaughan and Elizabeth Bennett had 5 children that I am aware of, including Lettice Vaughan baptised 2 Feb 1772 Ruardean.

If you follow this line there was much inter marrying between Thompson's, Bennetts, Brain's & Vaughan's. I have some interest in this line; apart from the fact that John Thompson & Mary Vaughan's great great great granddaughter married Jonathon Marfell. Richard Vaughan & Mary Morgan, parents of Richard Vaughan 1741 and John Vaughan 1737 mentioned above, also had a daughter Ann Vaughan 1745 who married Giles Brain who would have been my 1st cousin 6 times removed. The Elizabeth Bennett 1742 who married John Vaughan 1737 was my 6 times Great Aunt.

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by bhendsbee, Thursday, September 10, 2009, 19:58 (5656 days ago) @ jimashton

I'm really interested in this confusion because John Thompson and Mary vaughan had a daughter , Elizabeth Thompson , b.Jan 18, 1807,who married John Vaughan , b.Sept 7, 1806 , both in Ruardean . These are my great great grandparents ! Their son Richard had 3 sons who homesteaded in Canada, one of them my grandfather .

I'm still trying to connect Richard Vaughan of about 1660 in Ruardean with the Courtfield Vaughans . Family records show that Courtfield Vaughans visited the Vaughans in Ruardean . What is the conection ??


Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Friday, September 11, 2009, 14:49 (5655 days ago) @ bhendsbee

I have Elizabeth Thompson 1807 & John Vaughan 1806 in my tree, but only have 2 children, Edwin who married Hannah Brain, also Elizabeth Ann baptised 13 Sep 1835, who married James Charles Jones if you follow the line from their son Alfred William Bennett Jones, it leads to his daughter Violet Dorothy Florence Jones who was my 5th cousin once removed who married my 4th cousin once removed Jonathon Marfell.

I do not have John Vaughan & Elizabeth Thompson's son Richard you mention. He would be my 3rd cousin 4 times removed and would be very interested in learning more of his descendants, perhaps you could contact me via email which is accessible via the envelope icon. I have a number of Canadian contacts, the main one being the person who was at one time the Marfell Family "One Name Study" nominee, who I met up with in Vancouver some years ago.

Going back to your query about Richard Vaughan 1660. Tracing ancestors back 4 generations from John Vaughan & Elizabeth Thompson you get to John Vaughan 1667, which could be the brother of your Richard Vaughan 1660. John Vaughan 1806 is only related to me via his marriage to Elizabeth and whilst I tend to follow siblings and parents of spouses, I have already gone back too far.

Let us hope that Bertha reads your posting as she is the undoubted Vaughan expert.

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by bhendsbee, Saturday, September 12, 2009, 22:04 (5654 days ago) @ jimashton

Thanks Jim . Maybe Bertha can clear up about the 2 brothers : John born 1660 and Richard born ? in Ruardean .John is the one who married Mary Bradley and their son Richard, born 1701 , is about as far back as the Ruardean Parish records go , or what I can find . I need help !!! Who are the parents of these two ??

Since John Vaughan , born 1777, is my great great grandfather , I have a copy of his Will , dated 1857 . In it he says his sister , Mary Francis , can live in his property until her death , when his son John will take over the property . There is a record of Mary Vaughan, born 1768, marrying Thomas Francis and having a son , George Edward Francis (not sure of his birthdate). THEREFORE it is Mary Vaughan , born 1769, to John Vaughan and Elizabeth Bennett , who married John Thompson and had a daughter Elizabeth on Sept. 7, 1807 . Elizabeth then married her second cousin , John Vaughan ,born Jan 18, 1806 ,all in Ruardean . My family comes from this family .

Thanks ,
B Hendsbee

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Monday, September 14, 2009, 12:18 (5652 days ago) @ bhendsbee


I have added a new Thread : Replies to older postings, as your new input is buried in the mists of time.

I have pasted below an extract from my email to you for the benefit of the thread, if ever seen by anyone else :

A lot of John's Mary's & Elizabeth Bennett's etc.which I thought I had got cracked as the the wedding between John Thompson & Mary Vaughan was witnessed by Lettice Vaughan. Mary Vaughan, daughter of John Vaughan & Elizabeth Bennett had a sister Lettice, the second witness was John Bennett and of course the mother of Mary Vaughan 1769 was Elizabeth Bennett, my 6 times great aunt. Your will information seems to tell a different story.

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by bertha, Thursday, September 17, 2009, 14:29 (5649 days ago) @ bhendsbee

Hi Barb,
Following on from Jims post about things being lost in the mists of time, I just spotted your post!

This is a link to Walter Kings site, he's done a tremendous amount of research regarding the Vaughans, but at the present time he hasn't yet found a link between the Vaughans of Courtfield and the Vaughans of Ruardean.

I contacted an ancestor from the Vaughans of Courtfield several years ago and he also hasn't yet made a connection between the the 2 sets of Vaughans.

Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 01:32 (5845 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Hi Again Stephen

To add to the confusion, regarding the John Thompson who married Mary Vaughan. I have found a baptism for John Thompson for 17 May 1767 - Parents William Thompson & Mary. I already have a William Thompson & Mary Bennett - see marriage below. They could not have been the parents unless John Thompson was born 2 years before their wedding, these days quite common, but not then. Mary Bennett was my 6 times great aunt, sister of Elizabeth who married John Vaughan - see witness John Vaughan at wedding, Mary Bennett died 20 March 1780 & William Thompson married again to Sarah Pearce and had 2 more children

Record_ID: 16295
Entry_Number: 592
Year: 1769
Month: Feb
Day: 6
Grooms_Surname: THOMPSON
Grooms_Forenames: William
Brides_Surname: BENNETT
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Condition: spinster
Brides_Residence: Ruardean
Licence_or_Banns: Licence
Signature_or_Mark: both signed
Witness_1: Jno VAUGHAN
Witness_2: Joseph HARPER
Officiating_Minister: John HARRIS - curate
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 64
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex_Groom: T512
Soundex_Bride: B530

Record_ID: 54578
Entry_Number: 4243
Year: 1767
Month: May
Day: 17
Parents_Surname: THOMPSON
Child_Forenames: John
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Event: Baptism
Notes: no mothers name on PR - only on Bishops Transcript
Register_Reference: P275 IN 1/5
Page_Number: 72
Parish_Chapel: Ruardean
Soundex: T512

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by melcro @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 02:46 (5845 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim,
This is my first post to the site ! Your question relating to the parents of John Thompson. I have a William Thompson (my great x4 great uncle) and Mary Probert in my tree - parents of John Thompson born 1767
Could these be the ones ?

Record_ID: 63903
Year: 1764
Month: Jul
Day: 19
Grooms_Surname: TOMSON
Grooms_Forenames: William
Grooms_Age: [not stated
Groom_Condition: [not stated
Grooms_Occupation: [not stated
Grooms_Residence: of the parish of Ruardean
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: [not stated
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: [not stated
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated
Brides_Surname: PROBERT
Brides_Forenames: Mary
Brides_Age: [not stated
Brides_Condition: [not stated
Brides_Occupation: [not stated
Brides_Residence: of this parish
Brides_Fathers_Surname: [not stated
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: [not stated
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: [not stated
Licence_or_Banns: Licence
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: William Probert
Witness_2: William Davis
Officiating_Minister: Ja[mes] Meredith (Rector)
Event: Marriage
Notes: He signed THOMSON
Register_Reference: P138 IN 1/6
Page_Number: 17
Parish_Chapel: English Bicknor
Soundex_Groom: T525
Soundex_Bride: P616

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 05:18 (5844 days ago) @ melcro

Hi Melcro

I believe that solves that thank you. As William Thompson is your 4 times great Uncle, do you have a year of birth for William & Mary Probert please ?

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by stephenmiller @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 02:53 (5845 days ago) @ jimashton

At the wedding of Mary vaughan and John Thompson 1792 - the main witness was Lettice Vaughan. You state that her parents were John Vaughan and elizabeth Bennett - If Marys parents were also John Vaughan and Elizabeth Bennett this wouls make them sisters - isn't a sister more likely to be a witness than a cousin which Lettice would be if her parents were Richard Vaughan and Betty Gagg?

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 05:11 (5844 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Hi Stephen

Too many Vaughan's and Thompson's have got you (and me) confused !!

Going back to the first line of my first posting :

I believe the parents of Mary Vaughan who married John Thompson to be Richard Vaughan and Betty Gagg.

Lettice was Mary Vaughan's first cousin, so very likely to be a witness.

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by hawdon @, Alcossebre Spain, Friday, March 06, 2009, 06:41 (5844 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim/Stephen

I have been reading your correspondence with interest as I have both Mary,s in my tree. I have not, as yet, placed John Thompson with either of them as I am just as confused as you both are. However after reading your messages and doing some digging I think the question boils down to "who is more likely to be a witness at a wedding?" If, as Stephen has already pointed out, it is a sister then it is Mary 1769 and I would possibly favour that idea, but we cannot rule out the fact that it could have been a cousin and that would have then made it Mary 1768. HELP.

Jim, I have John Vaughan 1737 and Elizabeth as having 6 children starting with Betty 1764, Ann 1766, Mary 1769, Allis 1774, Esther 1776 and Jemimy 1779. Also now I have put in Lettice as I obviously missed her. Do you agree?.


Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 07:17 (5844 days ago) @ hawdon

Thanks I now have 7 !!

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by jimashton @, Saturday, March 07, 2009, 01:22 (5844 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Again Stephen

Having added "Hawdon's" information and checked out the baptisms, I have now changed my mind. I now think that it is more likely that Mary Vaughan 1769, daughter of John Vaughan & Elizabeth Bennett is the person who married John Thompson.

I have been hoping that the acknowledged "Vaughan" expert Bertha would have entered the debate and solved it, but for now I will be amending my tree as above.

Jim Ashton

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by stephenmiller @, Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 04:58 (5833 days ago) @ jimashton

still undecided as to her parents. have looked through the many marriage certificates that I have and the witnesses range from sisters to cousins to friends etc so I dont think it is possible to decide either way. The fact that there is a vaughan and Bennett as witness does make me think that her parents are John Vaughan and elizabeth Bennett. BERTHA WHERE ARE YOU!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents?

by bertha, Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 21:09 (5833 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Sorry! I can't throw any more light on the subject than the information which is already here.
Did you email the person who is doing the Gagg Family Tree?
I left a link for you under your thread of Betty Gagg, not sure if you saw that.

Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!

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