Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 ruardean - who were her parents? (General)

by jimashton @, Friday, March 06, 2009, 01:09 (5845 days ago) @ stephenmiller

Hi Stephen

I believe the parents of Mary Vaughan who married John Thompson to be Richard Vaughan and Betty Gagg.

Noting the response from Dave. I too have the John Vaughan who married Elizabeth Bennett as the brother of Richard Vaughan who married Betty Gagg. Richard Vaughan and John Vaughan were sons of Richard Vaughan and Mary Morgan.
At the 14 Jul 1792 wedding between John Thompson and Mary Vaughan Witness_1: Lettice VAUGHAN Witness_2: John BENNETT. John Vaughan and Elizabeth Bennett had 5 children that I am aware of, including Lettice Vaughan baptised 2 Feb 1772 Ruardean.

If you follow this line there was much inter marrying between Thompson's, Bennetts, Brain's & Vaughan's. I have some interest in this line; apart from the fact that John Thompson & Mary Vaughan's great great great granddaughter married Jonathon Marfell. Richard Vaughan & Mary Morgan, parents of Richard Vaughan 1741 and John Vaughan 1737 mentioned above, also had a daughter Ann Vaughan 1745 who married Giles Brain who would have been my 1st cousin 6 times removed. The Elizabeth Bennett 1742 who married John Vaughan 1737 was my 6 times Great Aunt.

Jim Ashton

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