Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney (General)
by Ruth P, Saturday, March 07, 2009, 12:34 (5843 days ago)
I have just received my gt grandmother Rosina Maria Dovey's death certificate which shows she committed suicide 10th Oct 1908 at 39 Queen St Lydney (this wasn't her own address) aged 36. She was a widow with seven sons aged between 3 and 16.
How can I get any further information? Is it possible to access the coroner's record / inquest and if so how?
In 1908 which newspapers would be likely to be found in the Lydney area where her death may have been reported.
I would love to find out what happened to her sons after her death.
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by bertha, Saturday, March 07, 2009, 21:52 (5843 days ago) @ Ruth P
Previous Thread
Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Ruth P, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 06:14 (5843 days ago) @ bertha
Thanks for that but you redirected me to my own previous thread. My query now is how can I find more information on Rosina's inquest and newspapers of the time.
The previous thread gives details of Rosina's sons & husband that I already have, I hope to move on from this to find what happened to her sons after her death.
Hope someone can help
Thanks again
Rosina Maria DOVEY (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 08:02 (5843 days ago) @ Ruth P
I think the hint is that it is best to keep the prior thread going or reference it rather than start a new thread... otherwise a lot of repeat effort can be spent :-)
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Newspapers - Lydney
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Saturday, March 07, 2009, 22:09 (5843 days ago) @ Ruth P
In 1908 which newspapers would be likely to be found in the Lydney area where her death may have been reported.
Lydney Observer
Dean Forest Mercury
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Newspapers - Lydney
by Ruth P, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 06:21 (5843 days ago) @ slowhands
Thanks Slowhands.
How would I access these newspapers? Are they held centrally somewhere I can visit to trawl through microfiche or would I need to contact the papers direct?
I would still like some info too if anyone can help on how I follow up on inquests / coroner's reports
Not having done this before I don't know how to take this forward.
Hope someone can help please??
Newspapers - Lydney
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 09:36 (5843 days ago) @ Ruth P
newspaper records - prior answer
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Celia61, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 06:27 (5843 days ago) @ Ruth P
I got the inquest report for my grandad (died 1950 - RTA) from the local coroner for the area in which he died. I think it cost me about 10pounds - worth every penny as it clarified and dispelled many of the family myths; the coroner was extremely helpful.
Cheers, Celia
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Celia61, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 06:30 (5843 days ago) @ Celia61
Another thought;
The coroners inquest reports generally go to the local Records Office after 100 years. You may be just on the change-over point. good luck.
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Ruth P, Sunday, March 08, 2009, 07:11 (5843 days ago) @ Celia61
Ooh, thanks for this, I'll follow up both your suggestions. I don't mind paying for the report etc as I agree with you - the written word can often clear up many misunderstandings!!
I have had many stories about my gt grandmother over the years but now I have confirmed that she did indeed commit suicide with carbolic acid poisoning - what a horrible way to go!
I would also like to find out where she is buried. I can't find any parish record details for her so guess she was buried somewhere other than the churchyard - possibly the cemetary in Lydney?
Any suggestions on checking this out welcome!!
Thank you again - much appreciated
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by HarryBrook , Monday, March 09, 2009, 21:53 (5841 days ago) @ Ruth P
The archived copies of the Dean Forest Mercury are held, on microfilm, at Cinderford Library.
I understand the DFM and the Lydney Observer are, for all intents and purposes, the same except the front page which consists of trade display adverts and a BMDs column.
The DFM of October 16th. 1908, under the heading LYDNEY WIDOW POISONS HERSELF, carried a comprehensive report of the inquest. Rosena DOVEY (36) was the widow of Frederick (died 1905). The principle witness was one of her lodgers Robert Charles BOURNE (20). He had allegedly jilted Mrs. DOVEY. He was evasive in answers to the Coroner, Dr. McCARTNEY, regarding his personal and financial relationship with Mrs. DOVEY. She poisoned herself after "throwing" BOURNE out of the house.
I have emailed the full report to RuthP.
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Ruth P, Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 12:29 (5840 days ago) @ HarryBrook
Hi HarryBrook,
Thanks for the info here. My only concern is that you say you have emailed the full report to me but I have not received anything by way of attachments / emails etc. Could you let me know if I am looking in the wrong place?
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Ruth P, Sunday, March 15, 2009, 12:43 (5835 days ago) @ HarryBrook
With regards to the newspaper article detailing Rosina Dovey's inquest 1908.
I have now visited Cinderford Library and have a copy of the newspaper article. As the copy is poor, I have word processed it verbatim. If anyone wants a copy you are welcome to get in touch
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Rog Dennis, Friday, December 04, 2009, 04:19 (5572 days ago) @ Ruth P
I've just joined up!!
A very sad tale of one of my many Pritchard great-great-aunt's. What is known of the seven children, as my great aunt only told of the two Lewis boys.
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by andrew walford, Friday, December 04, 2009, 12:50 (5571 days ago) @ Ruth P
There is a Dovey tree on the internet.
Rosina Maria Dovey (previously Lewis nee Pritchard) Lydney
by Jefff , West London, Middlesex, Sunday, January 25, 2015, 22:34 (3693 days ago) @ andrew walford
I realise the query relating to Rosina Dovey's death has been largely-covered within the above threads, but having only just seen this sad story for the first time I thought I'd include this Report that led me to these threads.
Found while browsing the Welsh Newspapers website, which contains a great many interesting hits when searching "Lydney".
From the Cardiff Times of 17th October 1908
A pathetic tragedy is reported from Lydney, the victim being a poor woman named Dovey, of 37. Queen-street, who had been twice widowed. She was taken very ill on Saturday, and a medical man was sent for. Dr. MacCabe attended, but death soon took place. A blue bottle containing carbolic acid, with three tablespoonfuls gone, was found, and the symptoms presented evidence that death was due to poisoning. There are seven children, two being at work. Deceased was in receipt of parochial relief."
I cannot find an Inquest in this FoD site, but here's her Burial PR.
Record_ID: 265971
Entry_Number: 192
Year: 1908
Month: Oct
Day: 13
Surname: DOVEY
Forenames: Maria Rosina
Residence: Lydney
Age_at_death: 37
Officiating_Minister: John Turner Primitive Methodist Preacher
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P209 IN 1/37
Page_No: 24
Parish_Chapel: Lydney
Soundex: D100