Jane Meek c1685 ruardean (General)

by jimashton @, Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 03:39 (5839 days ago) @ cmfenton

Hi Stephen and others.

I have emailed the actual BT page for 1687 Ruardean to Stephen. Having had a closer inspection, I now see her baptism was 10th July 1687, not 20 July as I might have said to CM Fenton, it is quite clear however that she is the daughter of John Meek & Elinor.

The Burial was "a" Jane Meeke 4th December 1688. Not of course necessarily the same Jane Meek as other Jane Meek's were born in the same time frame; one was born to Thomas Meek & Sarah and one to Thomas Meek & Jane and it would appear that the latter wife Jane died in 1684, probably in child birth.

Jim Ashton

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