Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard - a criminal (General)

by Ruth P, Sunday, March 15, 2009, 12:51 (5835 days ago)

I have recently been tracing my family tree particularly the Pritchards of Lydney c1850 - 1900.
It has been brought to my attention by another interested party that there is the possibility that one of my great grandmother's sisters Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard was sent to gaol in 1871.

This info has come from Gloucester Records Office Database.

1871 Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard, ummarried, servant, born Lydney was sent to gaol.

The Elizabeth in my tree would only have been 13 - 14 at the time, is it possible she was jailed at this age in 1871?

If I go to the Records Office as I assume this is the only way of gaining further info, how much info is normally held to help confirm that this was indeed my gt aunt?


Elizabeth Adelaide PRITCHARD mother or daughter ?

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, March 15, 2009, 20:20 (5835 days ago) @ Ruth P

Year: 1857
Month: Oct
Day: 18
Parents_Surname: PRITCHARD
Child_Forenames: Elizabeth Adelaide
Fathers_Forenames: Samuel
Mothers_Forenames: Elizabeth Adelaide
Residence: Lower Mill
Occupation: Tin man
Officiating_Minister: Richard Davies Curate
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: PFC209 IN 1/5
Page_Number: 36
Parish_Chapel: Lydney

Year Surname Forename Gender Parish Reference Occupation Catalog
1871 pritchard eliz. adelaide U Lydney Q/Gc6/6 servant Gaol

in 1871 census
Elizabeth A Pritchard abt 1858 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Lydney, Gloucestershire
at home of Samuel & Elizabeth Pritchard


In 1871 census at the Reformatory at Hardwicke nr Gloucester
Elizabeth Pritchard abt 1834 N Inmate Eastington, Gloucestershire
{ down as "Imbicile from Bitton" also as "Inmate", strange as it was a Boys place of "correction" }

Could she have been sent to Goal at the age of 13/14 ? -- yes , for what today we might consider trivial, stealing apples etc.

What info might the record contain ? - If you are lucky you could find details of the crime, the date of the trial , duration of sentence, and a description of the prisoner

It might be mother in Goal ??
The record suggest a Servant so the daughter is favorite

Name: Samuel Pritchard
Name: Elizabeth Adelaide Cole
Year of Registration: 1850
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
District: Bristol
County: Avon, Gloucestershire
Volume: 11
Page: 183

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Elizabeth Adelaide PRITCHARD mother or daughter ?

by Ruth P, Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 14:16 (5833 days ago) @ slowhands

Mm, Slowhands, the mind boggles...

I assumed that it was the daughter as I thought the U stood for unmarried and going on the fact as you say the Elizabeth Adelaide on the gaol record was a servant.

What do you think?

Interesting you say it was a boys 'prison' and the fact that she was born Lydney but stated as being elsewhere. I guess the only way to find out is coughing up the £4.89 minimum charge to get the details from the Record Office, even if it's not 'my' Elizabeth Adelaide, it could rule 'mine' out and I can always pass the info to someone else if they wanted it!!

Another thought however, does 1834 relate to the birth date?

Any other ideas appreciated.

Thanks again Slowhands ... you are not so 'slow' are you!!

Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard - a criminal

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 10:27 (5832 days ago) @ Ruth P

If she was classed as "an imbicile" it means she was born with severe learning difficulties.

Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard - a criminal

by Ruth P, Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 12:52 (5832 days ago) @ rookancestrybest

I am now seriously beginning to question whether this is the Elizabeth Adelaide Pritchard in my family tree. Both mother and daughter had the same name, both lived in Lydney in 1871. The date of birth given in the gaol records is 1834, this is a possible match for the mother as she was born in 1832 /33. However the gaol records also state that the jailed Elizabeth Adelaide was a servant and U - which I took to mean unmarried / single.

The fact that the jailed Elizabeth was referred to as an imbecile or someone with severe learning difficulties / disability also makes me question the link. There has been no mention of imbecile on any of the census returns relating to my Elizabeths and both were married with children in their 20s.

I shall just have to buy the gaol record I thnk to see if this sheds anymore light!!

Elizabeth Adelaide PRITCHARD - a criminal

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 19:42 (5832 days ago) @ Ruth P

I think there is some confusion here .

The Elizabeth (Imbicile from Bitton) is a remote possibility as being the Elizabeth Adelaide referred to on the Goal record. - although to be 100% you will need to see the Goal record.

My reading is that it is Elizabeth Adelaide 1858 ( daughter) who is Goalled in 1871 after the Census was taken.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Elizabeth Adelaide PRITCHARD - a criminal

by dink999, Wednesday, April 01, 2009, 00:09 (5819 days ago) @ slowhands

From the Gaol Record her father was Sam Pritchard of Queen St Lydney and she was a thirsty girl!

Other details are:-

Date of Admission- 13 Oct 1871
Prisoner No 6411
Last Residence & Trade - Lydney, Servant
Age -14
Height 5ft 0 ins
Hair- Bro[wn]
Eyes- Grey
Visage- Round
Complexion - Sallow[?]
Distinguishing Marks- Scar Right Eybrow, another on right [th?], one on each arm

Cause of Commitment - Obtaining by false pretences one noggin and a half of gin, the property of one Willm Birko[?] at Lydney on the 12th of July 1871. Also obtaining by false pretences one noggin and a half of gin the property of of the said Wm Birko on the 18th July 1871 with intent to defraud

When Tried - 18 Oct 1871
Verdict - Guilty of larceny from her master[?]
Sentence - Ten days hard labour
Discharged - 27 Oct 1871, term expired

Previous known character, habits and connections - Single, nat[?] Lydney,known to PC Swatton[?] 12 months, nothing previously known against her - father Sam Pritchard, Queen St Lydney

William BIRKS Lydney and other background stuff

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, April 01, 2009, 00:20 (5819 days ago) @ dink999

in 1868 landlord at
True Heart, William Birks, Lydney

in 1881 BIRKS family are running the George Inn / Hotel ( High St Aylburton )

George Inn, High Street GL15 6DE
The George Inn is a traditional sandstone built building on the A48.
Map Reference:

Owner in 1891: Representatives of Mrs Stephens (free from brewery tie)
Rateable value in 1891: £32.15s.0d.
Type of licence in 1891: Alehouse
Owner in 1903: Representatives of Mrs Stephens (free from brewery tie)
Rateable value in 1903: £32.15s.0d.
Type of licence in 1903: Alehouse
Closing time in 1903: 10pm
Present Status: Still trading

1876 Joseph Birks
1885,1891,1903,1906 William Charles Birks
1919 Henry Howard Davies
1939 Frederick Edmund Hyde
1995 Lynda Ruck

In 1871
Police Sargeant Henry Swatton abt 1837 Collinbonner, Wiltshire, England Head Lydney, Gloucestershire

Sallow complexion - pale

Noggin - a quarter of a pint of ale -( 1/8th of a litre )

So 10 days hard labour for 1/2 pint of ale and a measure of Gin.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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