Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM (General)

by unknown, Monday, April 13, 2009, 15:50 (5809 days ago)

Greetings everyone. I have been reading this forum for awhile and greatly appreciate the excellent information I have found for my family tree. I think I have mastered the search, but if I'm missing something obvious, would welcome some gentle correction.

The 1871 Census for East Dean shows Edward Thos HOOPER, age 3 living with his grandparents, Robert and Elizabeth YEMM. Robert YEM(M) was baptised 1811 and married Elizabeth POWELL in 1834. They had 8 children, the youngest a daughter named Sophia who was 2 in the 1851 census. I think the age would be about right to match a burial for Sophia HOOPER, age 19, Oct. 27, 1867. Also, there is a burial for Edward HOOPER Jan. 19, 1868, age 21. For both, the residence is given as Woodside and the parish chapel is Cinderford St. Johns. I don't find the child listed in FOD baptisms, but during the period Oct-Nov-Dec 1867, there is a birth registration in Westbury S. for Edward Thomas HOOPER. I haven't been able to find anything to confirm a marriage between Sophia Yemm and Edward Hooper, so I could be chasing the wrong person. For now, though, this is the one that seems to make the most sense.

Also, I think I have Edward still living with his grandmother in the 1881 census for West Ardsley, Yorkshire, as follows:

Street or Road - 75 New Scarboro, Elizabeth YEMM, head, widow, age 66 birthplace Ruardean
Edward WOOPPER, grandson, age 14, general labour, birthplace Cinderford.

The Yemms I am researching are descended from Robert and Elizabeth, but I couldn't help getting side-tracked by what looks like a sad story for Edward Hooper. I'd like to try to find out what happened to his parents if possible, but first I need to know who they were.

Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM

by jimashton @, Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 02:33 (5807 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Mauradam

I think you must be right in your researches.

I have an interest in this line. Robert Yemm & Elizabeth Powell also had a son Moses Yemm who married Elizabeth Anthony and they had 4 children, including Emily Edith Yemm who was the 3rd wife of Thomas Trump, the wedding took place 8 Aug 1894, Brazil, Clay Co.IN. USA. My connection here is with Thomas Trump's first wife Dora Read, daughter of William Read & Selina Marfell.

My other, perhaps more significant interest is that the Robert Yemm who married Elizabeth Powell had 9 siblings including a sister Elizabeth 1794 who was the second wife of one of my 4 times Great Uncles James Marfell 1794.

I have not followed the other 8 siblings, but there could be more connections there.

I correspond by email with another researcher in Canada and I will email her to ensure she reads this posting.

Jim Ashton

Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM

by unknown, Saturday, April 18, 2009, 12:12 (5804 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim,

Thank you for the reply. My interest is in the same branch of the YEMM family.

Robert Yemm and Elizabeth Powell had a son, also named Robert, and he is listed in the 1871 Census at the next household to his parents, with wife Lucy and daughter Florence. I think it is possible that Robert Jr. moved to the USA around the time of the next census. The family doesn't appear on the UK 1881 Census nor on the 1880 US Census. Florence was married to Grant CASSIDY in Lucas IA March 24, 1888. The 1906 Saskatchewan Census indicates Florence and her family emigrated to Canada in 1905. Florence had 2 brothers, George and Thomas. They spelled the surname YEAM, at least in the later years.

It would be interesting to hear from the other Canadian researcher. Also, now that I know your line is the same as mine, I can search the forum and fill in some blanks in my database. Many thanks!


Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM

by jimashton @, Sunday, April 19, 2009, 02:18 (5803 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Maureen

Thanks for the info. Robert Yemm married Lucy Buffin born 1844 on 24 Dec 1862 Cinderford. Robert died 9 Dec 1902 Brazil, Clay Co, IN. USA. He was on the 1900 Census Brazil IN alone as a border. Emigrated to IN. USA 1884 & also lived at one time with Moses and Timothy Yemm - 3 Yemm families in the same house. Moses was his brother, the Timothy Yemm in question was born 27 May 1847 son of Amos Baldwin Yemm & Rebecca Marfell.

Can you pass on from the census info you have, the date of birth for Florence, George & Thomas.


Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM

by unknown, Sunday, April 19, 2009, 18:57 (5802 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim,

Thank you for the information on Robert. I wonder where Lucy was in 1900. At that time, Robert's daughter, Florence was married to Grant Cassiday/Cassidy and is listed on the census in Bloomington, IL. Also in the house were their children, Frederick, Hazel and Roscoe.

According to her death certificate, which showed her father's name as YEAM, Florence's birthdate was July 12, 1866. She died June 9, 1938 in Vancouver, BC.

The 1900 Census for McLean IL shows Thomas YEAM b. 1872 living with Ella YEAM, b. 1878. George YEAM b. 1873 is in Tazewell IL for the 1900 census.

The 1910 Census for Bottineau, ND also lists George YEAM birth year 1876 and Thomas A.F. YAM birth year 1871.

SSDI for Thomas YEAM shows 31 Mar 1872 as his birthdate, and death Feb 1 1969 at Long Beach, CA.

George YEAM died in the early 1950s, probably in Swift Current, SK. George seemed to go back and forth between spelling his name YEMM and YEAM.

Besides the 2 brothers, Florence had a sister, and her name was Hazel. I found a census entry for Hazel YEAM in Bloomington IL, servant, born Feb 1883 in Illinois with both parents born in England.

Hazel YEAM born July 1884 shows up in the 1911 Census for Moose Jaw, SK with Hazel CASSIDY, born Dec 1892.


Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM

by jimashton @, Monday, April 20, 2009, 04:53 (5802 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Maureen

Thanks for all the information. It brought on a spooky moment for me; as I was reading that Thomas Yemm died in Long Beach CA, it brought on one of those "Where were you when........"moments my wife and I were staying overnight on the Queen Mary, Long Beach California and put the TV on to watch the breakast news... it was a beautiful clear morning of.... September 11th 2001. As I was thinking this I glanced up to see my Digital Picture Frame displaying a picture of the Queen Mary.


Edward Thomas HOOPER b. 1867 - Grandson of Robert YEMM

by unknown, Friday, April 24, 2009, 20:07 (5797 days ago) @ jimashton

That is spooky!

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