Looking for the baptism of Thomas Bennett c1748. Seems to be 2 options ruardean 1747 parents james and Elizabeth or 1749 ruardean parents Richard and Ann.
Thomas married Jane Cowles in 1779 weston under penyard.
Can anyone help me trace his correct baptism!!!
Thomas Bennett c1748
by jimashton , Monday, April 27, 2009, 05:49 (5793 days ago) @ stephenmiller
I have his baptism as 5 April 1747 son of James Bennett baptised 7 Sep 1707 married to Elizabeth Hazel baptised 22 Jun 1711 LittleDean, married 24 Apr 1740.
Thomas had a brother James 1742 who married Elizabeth Annetts, their daughter Jane 1762 married John Marfell 1762, my 4 times great grandfather.
Thomas Bennett c1748
by stephenmiller , Monday, April 27, 2009, 06:05 (5793 days ago) @ jimashton
Hi Jim, you have thrown a spanner in the works now!!!! After researching all morning I also went for 1747 option - parents James Bennett and Elizabeth.......but after looking I had decided that James Bennett married Elizabeth Barnett in Ross 1744, and had James being baptised jan 1720 ross and Elizabeth barnet ross 1722
I think I may be changing my tree now - I am sure you are probably right - I should learn not to jump to conclusions!
Did your Thomas marry Jane Cowles - do you have any information on her? I know both Thomas and jane died in 1822 and were buried in Mitcheldean. I have Janes mourning brooch but cannot find anything on her with regards baptism. Her mourning brooch states she was 66 when she died but the parish records say she was 64. The IGI has 2 Jane Cowles baptised 1758 and 1759 in Pencoyd which is approx 10 miles from mitcheldean but I havent a clue which to go for.
Going back to Thomas Bennett- I am getting very confused as I already have James bennett/Elizabeth Hazel married 1740 on my tree as I have followed their daughter Elizabeth Bennett baptised 1744 marrying John Vaughan 1762. It doesnt surprise me that they would appear in my tree again!! Thomas Bennett baptised 1747 and Elizabeth 1744 therefore being brother and sister
Thomas Bennett c1748
by jimashton , Monday, April 27, 2009, 07:01 (5793 days ago) @ stephenmiller
Hi Stephen
Yes "my" Thomas Bennett was the one who married Jane Cowles. I have nothing further on Jane Cowles other than her death in 1822. I have shown her as born 1756 Weston Under Penyard as that is the residence given at her Weston under Penyard wedding.
I also have Thomas as having a sister Elizabeth 1744 who married John Vaughan. Thomas also had a sister Ann 1741 who I have no more details of.
Thomas Bennett c1748
by stephenmiller , Monday, April 27, 2009, 08:31 (5793 days ago) @ jimashton
Thanks for your help once again Jim!
I am now totally confused!.....you say that you have the father of Thomas Bennett as James Bennett baptised 1707 who married Elizabeth/Betty Hazel 1740 st.mary de lode........but on our previous thread (elizabeth bennett 1740)we discussed as not yet finding a baptism !Grahamdavison said that he has him down as having a mother Mary....and also at age 22 when he married - the dates given in the thread do not tie in with mother Mary or 1707 baptism( parents Richard and margaret).........we also had james dying in 1747....is this correct - these Bennetts are driving me mad!What do you think Jim - nothing seems to add up!
Thomas Bennett c1748
by jimashton , Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 07:32 (5792 days ago) @ jimashton
Hi Stephen
A most peculiar happening, I received an email from the web site asking a further question. However, when I clicked on the link within the email, or looked at the thread separately, the question is not there, so I will paste in the email question, then answer it :
Hi jimashton,
stephenmiller has posted a reply on "Thomas Bennett c1748":
Subject: Thomas Bennett c1748
Thanks for your help once again Jim!
one quick question - James Bennett baptised 1707 ruardean parents Richard Bennett and Margaret Dowle who married in 1701 Walford......Do you have a baptism date for Richard Bennett?
warm regards Stephen
URL of this posting: http://www.forum.forest-of-dean.net/index.php?mode=thread&id=18360
--- Your original posting ---
Hi Stephen
Yes "my" Thomas Bennett was the one who married Jane Cowles. I have nothing further on Jane Cowles other than her death in 1822. I have shown her as born 1756 Weston Under Penyard as that is the residence given at her Weston under Penyard wedding.
I also have Thomas as having a sister Elizabeth 1744 who married John Vaughan. Thomas also had a sister Ann 1741 who I have no more details of.
The answer to the question regarding the baptism of Richard Bennett which has now gone from this thread is - 16 Jun 1677 Ruardean, his parents Richard Bennett & Margaret Collier, for whom I have no detail except their marriage, 20 Oct 1674 Walford. There is also a death I have attributed to Margaret as burial 13 Feb 1708 Ruardean
Thomas Bennett c1748
by stephenmiller , Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 07:51 (5792 days ago) @ jimashton
Hi Jim, sorry I deleted that question as I thought it was nolonger relevant and replaced it with the query with regards our previous thread about (elizabeth bennett+john vaughan). I am now, as already mentioned confused, due to both threads showing different parents of James Bennett - one being a mother Mary, the other Margaret and Richard........why do we have a difference in both threads? If we go on the will of James Bennett 1747 on this site it does mention a mother Mary.
Thomas Bennett c1748
by jimashton , Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 05:08 (5791 days ago) @ stephenmiller
Hi Stephen
I am sitting on the fence until we here more from Graham !!
The MI which Graham published on the Elizabeth Bennett thread adds to my confusion :
In Memory of
who departed this Life,
Oct 13, 1747, Aged 3 Years.
Also MARY, the Wife of
who died Jan 2, 1757.
Also the Body of
buried March 18, 1778,
Aged 69 Years.
Does this imply that the parents of James Bennett 1707 were James Bennett and Mary - and was the age of the James Bennett who departed this Life,Oct 13, 1747, Aged 3 Years a typo.Had it been the James Bennett born 1707 he could have been 39
Thomas Bennett c1748
by stephenmiller , Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 07:44 (5791 days ago) @ jimashton
I have contacted Graham and hopefully he will get back to us and help us out!! My main issue is the 1747 will of James Bennett which specifically states his mother as Mary!(and therefore does not tie in with the 1707 baptism mother Margaret)
Thomas Bennett c1748
by grahamdavison , Thursday, April 30, 2009, 07:12 (5790 days ago) @ jimashton
I`m not sure how much I can help. I think without doubt that James Bennett (husband of Betty Hazel) is the son of James & Mary, he was married by Licence and this states that both James and Betty were of Ruardean and that James was 22 and Betty 26. This discounts the baptism in 1707, but doesn`t solve the problem. There is an Anne daughter of James & Mary Bennett baptised in Ruardean on 5 August 1716, so this is probably the family, but no sign of James.
My connection with the family is through Betty who married John Vaughan so I have no knowledge of the Thomas`s.