AMBURY of Longhope, English Bicknor and Peterstow (General)
by Caroline Heath, Thursday, April 30, 2009, 01:37 (5790 days ago)
Reply to
Henry Meredith AMBURY born 1786 English Bicknor, solicitor. Married Mary Ann Lewis Horfield Glos 1828. I don't know if this is the same Ambury family because of alternative spellings of Ambury/Ambrey but if so links to my family tree as he was a paternal greatx3 grandfather.
AMBURY of Longhope, English Bicknor and Peterstow
by Avril_Wood , Saturday, January 21, 2012, 18:36 (4794 days ago) @ Caroline Heath
Hi Caroline
On my family tree I have William Ambury born in 1773 at English Bicknor and married Sarah Powell at Newland in 1809. Does this tie in with your tree?
AMBURY of Longhope, English Bicknor and Peterstow
by Jefff , West London, Middlesex, Saturday, January 21, 2012, 20:42 (4793 days ago) @ Avril_Wood
Hi Avril,
welcome to this great website and forum !
To ensure you gain maximum results from the site please may I draw your attention to the site's Help-FAQ section accessed via the blue menu bar at the top of the webpage ?. Amongst other helpfull pointers this advises you against posting your own personal details, such as email addresses, onto the forum. Being a free site everything posted on the forum is easily accessible to the general public worldwide. Hence it is possible such personal details can be "stolen" and used by undesirable if not criminal people worldwide, at best your inbox may be flooded by unwanted spam email, at worst....
By clicking the "edit" button on your post you can remove this if you wish.
Secondly, the post you have replied to is nearly 3 years old. The poster's name Caroline is displayed in grey text, this indicates she is no longer "active" and hasn't been on the forum for at least a year. If she was "active", her name would appear as a blue hyperlink. If you wish to send personal info to other "active" members, please do so by clicking on this hyperlink. This allows you to send a confidential email direct to their email inbox, so they don't have to be browsing the forum to read it. Also this hyperlink allows other users to see, for example, that this is your first (hopefully of many) posts on the forum that you joined last week; so it's a useful tool.
I do hope this is of use, and wish you success in your researches. This superb site is one of the best in the UK, we are so lucky, it carries a wealth of information in addition to the freely accessible/searchable Parish Registers, old photos, old books and documents, etc etc. AND it's free of charge although of course donations are always welcome. Please do continue posting, if you get stuck in your researches there's always other users who will try to help.
AMBURY of Longhope, English Bicknor and Peterstow
by Avril_Wood , Saturday, January 21, 2012, 21:05 (4793 days ago) @ Jefff
Thanks Jeff
I did realise my mistake immediately regarding the email address and tried to rectify it but couldn't.
I posted the one to Caroline and realised that she was no longer active but know what thought I would give it a try.
I did all my research many years ago before computers and I was at that time living a long way away so it was very difficult.
I am ashamed to say while my husband is watching the tv I am taking advantage and looking up the parish records and filling a few gaps.
By the way I am looking for a John Worgan from Churchdown which I think is near Cheltenham so presume that wouldn't be covered by Forest of Dean?
Also have you seen my grandmother's story which was posted on the website many years ago (Ruth's Story) Ruth Elcoat. You may find it interesting reading.
Thanks for your advice.
AMBURY of Longhope, English Bicknor and Peterstow
by Jefff , West London, Middlesex, Saturday, January 21, 2012, 21:41 (4793 days ago) @ Avril_Wood
Hi Avril,
fair enough and yes I guess it's wortha try. Last year we had a similar post against a "dead" thread. Using Google I found the same original poster of said thread was still active on a Herefordshire forum, so an active email adress was obtained that way. So clearly anything's worth a try as you say. It's JUST possible our excellent administrators MIGHT still have an email address for Caroline if you're really lucky.
Don't be ashamed re the TV, nowadays the majority of TV seems aimed at my wife and son, hence they watch while I do my online research upstairs. Thank heaven for Britains Got No Talent or whatever its called...! I haven't lived in the Forest since the mid 80s, although still have family there, so all my research has been done on line.
Re Churchdown yes it's twixt Gloster and Cheltenham, I strongly recommend this website when trying to place "new" placenames.
Hence yes it is beyond the Forest boundary and rather out of the scope of this site.
There are several excellent Dean maps on this site, see
The first map listed gives an idea of the site coverage.
Oddly enough its being suggested recently that the Forest becomes part of Gloster from a local Government viewpoint, not a popular view in the Forest town. I recall "only" in the late 70s my sister getting a job in Gloster, only 15miles away, they thought she was from another planet !! (and no she had no Forest dialect, just...).
Yes I did read Ruth's story, very interesting and well written!. I hope you saw this old post ?
"I have just read Ruth's story by Avril Wood. I have both Elcoats and Gibbs in my family tree. If anyone knows Avril and could pass on my Email address I would be most grateful.
Keith Elcoat
Bolton Lancs England
Monday April 21 2003 "
Happy Hunting, Jeff.
A proud Dean ironworker now exiled in Middlesex.