Elizabeth Nash / Milson Harris (General)

by rheola, Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 10:13 (5773 days ago)

I'm trying to find information about my husband's 2xgreatgrandparents , They were Milson Harris (occ Butcher )son of William Harris and Jane White. Milson married Elizabeth Nash 28th August 1828 at Newland .I'm plodding along quietly with Milson , but it's the Nash family I need the help with more !I've been checking your records andI've found Elizabeth's baptism for 31/8/1809 at Coleford , the daughter of Richard and Betsy. Richards's occupation was stated as Baker.
I have a Richard Nash (widower ) marrying Elizabeth Wintle on 11/12/1806 , hopefully Elizabeth's parents.Maybe Elizabeth is also Betsy. I can't find any mention of his first wife as yet.
I've been checking the postings on the forum and there are children for Richard and Betsy , but there is no mention of Elizabeth, I don't think I have the wrong parents (hopefully).One posting has Harriet as the eldest child if this is the case does Elizabeth belong with these siblings ?
I found in the records :-
George bap 16/2/1809
Harriet bap 11/8/1811
Ann bap 17/9/1813
Richard bap 11/12/1814
John bap 7/4/1816
Emila (Emily ) bap 4/1/1818
Samuel bap 19/11/1819
Maria bap 12/5/1822
There seems to be more than the one Richard Nash , there is a Richard Nash(iron miner ) and Mary Nash .I don't really think Richard the Baker would change occupation to Iron miner.I would be grateful for any information , however small , I don't want to follow the wrong Nash , there seems to be quite a few in the Forest !
Thanks alot
Regards Rheola

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