John HAWKINS born abt 1821 (General)
by oldtrout, Wednesday, June 03, 2009, 23:54 (5758 days ago)
I am trying to trace an ancestor called John Hawkins. He was born abt 1821, Married to Frances Davis in 1851, and died abt 1857. I am having a hard time tracing his family. I do know he was a Stone mason at the time of his death. Any ideas gratefully received.
John HAWKINS born abt 1821
by ChrisW , Thursday, June 04, 2009, 00:24 (5758 days ago) @ oldtrout
For the information of anyone trying to help - the marriage was registered in GLOUCESTER.
John HAWKINS born abt 1821 of Blakeney / Awre / Etloe ?
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 00:30 (5758 days ago) @ oldtrout
Is this the correct family ?
Year: 1829
Month: Jun
Day: 14
Parents_Surname: DAVIS
Child_Forenames: Frances
Fathers_Forenames: Edward
Mothers_Forenames: Harriet
Residence: Gatcomb
Occupation: Waterman
Officiating_Minister: J[acob] George Wrench
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P50 IN1/1
Page_Number: 112
Parish_Chapel: Blakeney
Edward Davis abt 1786 Gloucestershire, England Awre, Gloucestershire
Harriet Davis abt 1796 Gloucestershire, England Awre, Gloucestershire
Richard Davis abt 1816 Gloucestershire, England Awre, Gloucestershire
Frances Davis abt 1829 Gloucestershire, England Awre, Gloucestershire
Edward Davis t abt 1806 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Head Etloe, Gloucestershire
Harriet Davis abt 1793 West Dean, Gloucestershire, England Wife Etloe, Gloucestershire
Richard Davis abt 1813 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Son Etloe, Gloucestershire
Frances Davis abt 1830 Awre, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Etloe, Gloucestershire
1851 ?
John Hawkins abt 1821 Lydney, Gloucestershire, England Lodger Lydney, Gloucestershire
Name: Frances Davis
Name: John Hawkins
Year of Registration: 1851
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Gloucester (1837-1937)
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 11
Page: 505
Year: 1857
Month: Apr
Day: 26
Surname: HAWKINS
Forenames: John
Residence: Blakeney
Age_at_death: 36 y[ear]s
Officiating_Minister: Richard Davies curate
Event: Burial
Memoranda: [wrongly entered illegible name above John Hawkins]
Register_Reference: P209 IN 1/12
Page_No: 7
Parish_Chapel: Lydney
Frances Hawkins abt 1830 Gatcombe, Gloucestershire, England Head Awre, Gloucestershire
Laura J Hawkins abt 1853 Eaton, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Awre, Gloucestershire
Sidney E Hawkins abt 1855 Eaton, Gloucestershire, England Son Awre, Gloucestershire
Agness F Hawkins abt 1857 Eaton, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Awre, Gloucestershire
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
John HAWKINS born abt 1821 of Blakeney / Awre / Etloe ?
by oldtrout, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 00:45 (5758 days ago) @ slowhands
That is the right family, it's John Hawkins parents I'm stuck on!
John HAWKINS born abt 1821
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 01:15 (5758 days ago) @ oldtrout
Its possible he was baptised later than nomal ( below ?) or he is non-conformist and we do not have his baptism (yet)
Year: 1831
Month: Apr
Day: 3
Parents_Surname: HAWKINS
Child_Forenames: John
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Residence: Forest of Dean
Occupation: Mason
Officiating_Minister: J[acob] George Wrench
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P50 IN1/1
Page_Number: 121
Parish_Chapel: Blakeney
but I suspect this is the correct family
1841 Old furnace
John Hawkins abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Mary Hawkins abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
George Hawkins abt 1827 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Richard Hawkins abt 1829 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
John Hawkins abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Harriett Hawkins abt 1833 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Jane Hawkins abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Meren Hawkins abt 1839 Dean Forest,
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
John HAWKINS born abt 1821
by shepway , Thursday, June 04, 2009, 06:28 (5757 days ago) @ slowhands
I think you can eliminate John son of John and Mary. This is 1851 Census:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS John HD M 48 Stone Mason GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Mary WI M 47 - GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS George SO U 24 Stone Mason GLS Awre
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Richard SO U 22 Stone Mason GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS John SO U 19 Stone Mason GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Jane DA U 15 - GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Dan SO - 10 - GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Ann DA - 6 - GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Alfred SO - 4 - GLS East Dean
1959 0335 017 New Road,16 HAWKINS Everett SO - 2 - GLS East Dean
and this would appear to be the John that is being sought:
Piece Folio SchNo Town Surname Forename Relatn Marr Age Occupation County Place
2443 0558 034 Newerne GURNEY John HD M 50 Haulier GLS Coleford
2443 0558 034 Newerne GURNEY Catharine WI M 41 - MON Usk
2443 0558 034 Newerne GURNEY Sarah DA U 16 Servant GLS Littledean
2443 0558 034 Newerne GURNEY Mary Ann DA - 12 Scholar MON Monmouth
2443 0558 034 Newerne GURNEY James SO - 9 Scholar GLS Lydney
2443 0558 034 Newerne HAWKINS John LG U 30 Ag Lab GLS Lydney
I wonder if this is the baptism:
Year: 1821
Month: Dec
Day: 16
Parents_Surname: HATKINS
Child_Forenames: John
Fathers_Forenames: [not stated]
Mothers_Forenames: Fanny
Residence: Lidney
Occupation: Servant
Officiating_Minister: Wm. Jones
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Son of
Register_Reference: PFC 209 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 57
Parish_Chapel: Lydney
This is the IGI version:
16 DEC 1821 Lydney, Gloucester, England
Mother: FANNY HOTKINS Family
John HAWKINS born abt 1821
by oldtrout, Friday, June 05, 2009, 05:04 (5757 days ago) @ shepway
I've had to resort to ordering a marriage certificate for John & Frances to try & establish his father's name(if known-either way it'll help!). Thanks for the suggestions though.