Elizabeth Cook (Baylis) of Ledbury (General)

by tomcrean, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 09:53 (5757 days ago)

I'm transcribing the Ledbury general registers, and at the end of the 1800-1807 volume is the following handwritten text on a separate leaf:

I do hereby certify that Elizabeth Cook wife of William Cook (formerly Elizabeth Baylis widow) of the parish of Ledbury in the County & Diocese of Hereford was this day absolved from the sentence of Excommunication lately pronounced against her and restored to the Communion of the faithful by the Revd. Hugh Price Clerk witness my hand the 21st May 1744.
(Signed) Sam Johnson, Proctor in Hereford.

I'd be interested to know if anyone can throw light on this incident.


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