Croome - Hewelsfield 19th Century Stone Masons (General)

by selbyfamily @, Wednesday, June 10, 2009, 01:44 (5752 days ago) @ DennisCroome

Hi Dennis again!

I too am interested in the Croomes for a couple of reasons. Harriet Selby (1820) had a presumably illegitimate son, George (1840). On the 1841 Census he appears to be fostered with Elinor Crome (40) and Eliza (13) and Dannial(10) at
Extra Parochial, Brockweir Common. Elinor Croom is also given as a witness at the marriage of John Selby and Jane Darby. As you probably know, the Selbys were also Masons living at Hewelsfield. According to their baptisms, the father of Eliza and Dannial was Daniel Croom (without checking I think that is right). However, I have not been able to find a marriage between Elinor (Ellen)and Daniel - in fact, there is a Daniel married to someone else on the Parish Records.

The second reason is that Charles Maddox Brooks married Adele Florence Croome in 1887 and had two children one of whom was married to my husband's aunt. On the marriage certificate it states that Adele's father was George Croome, a mason. I was told by my husband's cousin that her grandmother was either French or Italian. In the last few days I have been checking this although I have not spoken my cousin yet to see if she knows any more. I have found an Adele Florence Velati born in London to an Italian father and I think she may well be Adele Florence Croome. There appears to be a Velati sister who died in Chepstow although the rest of the family appear in London.

I have not gone into this too deeply as I didn't want to go off at too much of a tangent - as the Brook(e)s are only indirectly related through my husband's aunt but I have got really interested in this story and whether maybe Adele was adopted by the Croomes for some reason.

Sorry I can't be more help with the Croomes but maybe you know something that will help me put this family togeher.


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