Can anybody read Latin (General)

by barrow, Friday, June 19, 2009, 06:31 (5742 days ago) @ probsy4

To the memory of George Probert, a Soldier, who outstanding in deed and virtues was of the ancient family of Pantglas in Monmouthshire. During the Civil War, which polluted all things, he fought strenuously under the most pious King Charles the First and was called by him to the rank of Knight about the year 1644. Indeed by the growing treasonable savagery throughout three reigns, he endured many dire things through twelve years but with an unbroken spirit, and was rewarded by the most august Charles the Second with Monmouth of Burgensis.. Being earnesly desired for every honour by the Houses of Paliament., He was most dear to his country , neighbours and to the majority to whom he became known., In London having contracted a fever he was taken to St.Synaxombe and received viaticum and the peace of the Church, alert to the end he breathed his last on January 6th at the age of 60 c. 1676-7. Because of his great love for Vicar William Brabourne his remains were left in his Church; where he lies in front of the altar under a stone to Gyfford.
Magdalena, the most sorrowful wife of the celebrated and renowned Dr Charles Williams of the town of Langybby in the County of Monmouth (which was demolished by rebels in the recent 'defection' or civil war) as a daughter of devotion and indeed gratitude placed a golden horse.
Footnote-Jan.6, Sir George Probert, Knt. of Penalt, in Monmouth, a most intimate friend of Dr Brabourne, vicar of this parish, died at Grey's Inn Lane, in London, and was buried in the chancel, Jan 8th, by his own direction.

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