William BALCHIN (WB) &/or John CROOK (General)

by rebalc, Thursday, June 25, 2009, 02:41 (5737 days ago)

WB is my great grandfather and his second child, Florence Isabel, was born in Cinderford in 1875.

The brother-in-law of WB, John Crook (JC) was also a resident of Cinderford at the the same time. The Balchins were there 1871 to 1877 or early 1878 I believe.

In the 1881 Census JC was living in Commercial Street and listed as photographer. I believe they left the area that year and migrated to the U.S.A.

I also believe WB and JC were in business together as colliery proprietors but the name of the mine I have yet to unearth. Seemingly JC was ruined by a mine flooding after 1877.

I also believe the Crooks were Baptists and I would be surprised if the Balchin were not also.

There was a sickling Balchin boy (William Edward) born November 1877 but no birth certificate can be found. While in Cinderford the Crooks had 6 births.

I am wondering if anybody can turn up any baptismal records of the 8 births in Cinderford for the 2 families.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Balchin (aged 82).

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