Phillip and Sarah BARNARD (General)

by mcdonald74, Friday, July 10, 2009, 20:35 (5721 days ago) @ braillemaker

On closer in spection with me Dad we arent related to Phillip Barnard the Phillip Barnard we came across was 65 in 1881 which would of made him 22 when she married JONAH Mason in 1838 so he definately cant be Charlottes Father,So now we arent sure we have come across a Johnathan Barnard who had a wife Sarah there Daughter was Charlotte,would they be anyway related to Charles Barnard who married Sophia Dixon?I know the Dixons were Romany and there is Rumour of Romany in our family,would you be able to shed any light on it for me,have youever heard of a Charlotte Barnard?

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