Noah MASON Charlotte BARNARD - Prior Thread (General)

by mcdonald74, Sunday, July 12, 2009, 13:16 (5720 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks Slowhands! I have managed to work out with yours and others invalueable help that Noah Masons wife Charlottes Father was a Phillip Barnard who was married to a Ellen Baldwin whos Father was a Cornellius Baldwin.Phillip Barnards Father was Thomas Barnard who married Mary Goode in Abenhaul in 1799.So now all i have to do is trace the Baldwins and Goodes!I saw a Mary Goode on the Gloucester records sight dated 1811 also a Caroline Goode dated 1877 discribed as a Hawker and in Gaol not sure if there related!Thanks again Duncan

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