Giles and Dorothy GARDINER, White Horse Inn, Mitcheldean (General)

by Springroll3, Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 15:14 (5696 days ago)

Giles Gard(i)ner bapt 25 Nov 1798 Ampney Crucis (village near Cirencester) married Dorothy Wicks 13 Dec 1822 in Ampney Crucis. Son Thomas was bapt 20 Apr 1823 in Ampney Crucis. Family presumedly moved elsewhere as two more children Mary and William were born before the family turned up in Mitcheldean in the 1841 Census. Subsequent children were all baptised Mitcheldean. Elizabeth 1832 Anne 1833 James 1834 John 1837 Jane 1840. James did not feature in 1841 Census. Name according to your very useful site given as Gardiner.

Father's occupation at time of each baptism in Mitcheldean was given as Toll Collector. Except for last born Jane when he was given as Inn Keeper. This ties in to the 1841 Census which has him as Innkeeper White Horse Inn. Resident at the Inn at time of Census was a John Gardner who was a Turnpike toll collector so perhaps he was a relative who came in to take the job previously held by Giles.

My query is does the White Horse Inn still exist in Mitcheldene it was apparently located in the High Street next to the Police Station in the 1841 Census. Also has anyone andy idea what toll could have been collected by Giles before he became the Inn Keeper and what was a Turnpike toll?

Sadly I can find no reference to the family in subsequent census. I am wondering if anyone has access to 1851 Census if it can be confirmed that if still in existance the White Horse was being run by another person?.

Many Thanks


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