Giles and Dorothy GARDINER, White Horse Inn, Mitcheldean (General)

by Springroll3, Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 15:14 (5696 days ago)

Giles Gard(i)ner bapt 25 Nov 1798 Ampney Crucis (village near Cirencester) married Dorothy Wicks 13 Dec 1822 in Ampney Crucis. Son Thomas was bapt 20 Apr 1823 in Ampney Crucis. Family presumedly moved elsewhere as two more children Mary and William were born before the family turned up in Mitcheldean in the 1841 Census. Subsequent children were all baptised Mitcheldean. Elizabeth 1832 Anne 1833 James 1834 John 1837 Jane 1840. James did not feature in 1841 Census. Name according to your very useful site given as Gardiner.

Father's occupation at time of each baptism in Mitcheldean was given as Toll Collector. Except for last born Jane when he was given as Inn Keeper. This ties in to the 1841 Census which has him as Innkeeper White Horse Inn. Resident at the Inn at time of Census was a John Gardner who was a Turnpike toll collector so perhaps he was a relative who came in to take the job previously held by Giles.

My query is does the White Horse Inn still exist in Mitcheldene it was apparently located in the High Street next to the Police Station in the 1841 Census. Also has anyone andy idea what toll could have been collected by Giles before he became the Inn Keeper and what was a Turnpike toll?

Sadly I can find no reference to the family in subsequent census. I am wondering if anyone has access to 1851 Census if it can be confirmed that if still in existance the White Horse was being run by another person?.

Many Thanks


White Horse Inn, Mitcheldean

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 15:51 (5696 days ago) @ Springroll3

White Horse Hotel
High St
GL17 0AT

00 44 1594 542375‎

The south part of the market place, on the corner of High Street, was filled before 1635 by a building which later became the White Horse inn

To the south the building on the corner of High Street was used as part of the Talbot in 1642 (fn. 51) and had taken the sign of the White Horse by 1674 to become an important meeting place and, in the late 18th century, a contender for the town's coaching trade.

White Horse survived by the mid 1960s and remained open in 1988

A friendly society was meeting at the White Horse inn in 1809

From: 'Mitcheldean', A History of the County of Gloucester: Volume 5: Bledisloe Hundred, St. Briavels Hundred, The Forest of Dean (1996), pp. 173-195. URL: Date accessed: 05 August 2009.

The White Horse (High Street, Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire) . The White Horse is on the B4224 as you drive through the village. The beers on at the time were Boddingtons, Fullers London Pride and a guest ale. All were served fine, though sparklers needed to be removed. As for food there are rolls and hot pasties available plus crisps. The White Horse is a popular village local serving the best real ale in Mitcheldean. It was once an old coaching pub which once faced a rival across the road. That pub has now gone, but is remembered in the archway opposite. The inside of the pub has two bars and the public bar has a tiled floor. Children on their best behaviour are welcome. For the summer there is a beer garden. There is no accommodation

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Giles and Dorothy GARDINER, White Horse Inn, Mitcheldean

by Springroll3, Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 16:07 (5696 days ago) @ Springroll3

Thankyou Mr Slowhands for your response, its much appreciated.


Giles and Dorothy GARDINER, White Horse Inn, Mitcheldean

by dravot, Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 23:12 (5528 days ago) @ Springroll3

Hi Springroll3,
Just wondered how you know that Giles was bap in 1798, according to the census for 1841 when he was Innkeeper, seems to suggest his birth in around 1800-1801,
Giles is my gggg grandfather,
Hope to chat with you
Kind regards
Steve Gardner

Giles GARDINER, 1798 Ampney Crucis

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, January 21, 2010, 07:46 (5527 days ago) @ dravot

< careful of "rounding" adult ages in the 1841 census>

Giles Gardner abt 1801 Gloucestershire, England Mitchell Dean, Gloucestershire
Dorothy Gardner 40
Thomas Gardner 18
Mary Gardner 15
William Gardner 13
Elizabeth Gardner 9
Ann Gardner 7
John Gardner 4
Richard Henry Ebsworth 50
John Gardner 25
Edward Smith 20

Marriage: 13 DEC 1822 Ampney Crucis, Gloucester, England

Form submitted by a member of the LDS Church.

Christening: 25 NOV 1798 Ampney Crucis, Gloucester, England
Mother: ANN
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.
The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C025392 1766 - 1812 0417103 Film 6905350 Film
Sheet: 00

Marriage: 10 NOV 1795 Ampney Crucis, Gloucester, England

Form submitted by a member of the LDS Church.
The form lists the submitter's name and address and may include source information.
The address may be outdated. Details vary. To find the form, you must know the batch and sheet number.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Giles GARDINER, 1798 Ampney Crucis

by dravot, Thursday, January 21, 2010, 09:36 (5527 days ago) @ slowhands

Could not agree more, but with three potentials 1798, 1800, 1801
And listed as 40 in the 1841 census, which would your money be on?
I think the 1798 is the rank outsider, probably one of the others?
thanks for the response, and hope to chat some more!

Giles GARDINER(s) 1798-1802 period The Ampneys nr Cirencest

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, January 21, 2010, 09:46 (5527 days ago) @ dravot

I guess others have been eliminated by later census data such as :-

Giles Gardener abt 1800 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Head Down Ampney, Gloucestershire
Hannah Gardener abt 1830 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Down Ampney, Gloucestershire

Giles Gardens abt 1802 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Head Down Ampney, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Gardens abt 1821 Kempsford, Gloucestershire, England Wife Down Ampney, Gloucestershire
Mary Garden abt 1841 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Down Ampney, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Garden abt 1844 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Down Ampney, Gloucestershire
Jacob Gardens abt 1830 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Son Down Ampney, Gloucestershire

Giles Gardener abt 1800 Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England Head Down Ampney, Gloucestershire
Jane Gardener abt 1809 Ellen Aston, Gloucestershire, England Wife Down Ampney, Gloucestershire

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Giles GARDINER(s) 1798-1802 period The Ampneys nr Cirencest

by dravot, Thursday, January 21, 2010, 17:05 (5527 days ago) @ slowhands


I doff my cap to your sleuthing, a very good call, I shall re-examine the dates on my tree later and hopefully you have just pointed me in the direction of yet another generation back. Thanks again


by m p griffiths @, Thursday, January 21, 2010, 10:02 (5527 days ago) @ slowhands

The marriage of Anthony GARDNER to Ann ELBOROUGH 10 November 1795, Ampney Crucis

born 1 February 1778, Ampney Cruis, parents William and Ann ELBOROUGH.
William ELBOROUGH (born 24 September 1740) of AC married Ann FRAMPTON - 9 September 1773 Ampney Crucis

My maiden name was BOWN and I decend from Ann's sister Mary ELBOROUGH- Ampney Crucis, born 22 June 1780 - Married - William BOWN - Ampney Crucis 5 July 1798. Do have more info in my files.

I have a copy Will of William Elborough 1797 (Farm Owner) - in which he quotes

'also I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann (c1778), the Wife of Anthony GARDNER, the large Oak Table commonly standing in the Kitchen'

Daughter Mary (c1780) was left his chest of drawers, best bed, bedstead, furniture, sheets, blankets, and everything thereunto belonging. Tea Table & Clock, with this exception,that in case my son William return to reside in this Neighbourhood, then the Clock to be his . His daughter Jane, (c1783) had the next best bed, bedstead, furniture sheets, blankets and everything thereunto belonging. His daughter Sarah (c1786) had the other lesser Oak table commonly standing in the kitchen. Son John, (c1788) had the feather bed, etc and Jacob (c1794) had the flock bed, bedstead etc. His sister had the 'old flock bed' and so on. This Will gives an insight into the family goods which is interesting. And asking the Executors to undertake the culture of the farm on behalf of his very young children - now orphaned. William BOWN took over the farm (still called Bown's Farm today. My BOWN family ran many 'Pubs' in Gloucestershire around that time i.e. The White Hart, Stow on the Wold.

Baptised at Ampney Crucis Holy Rood

Thomas GARDENER - Giles & Dorothy - 20 April 1823 (occ Gardener)
Mary Ann GARDNER - G & D - 9 January 1825 (occ Blacksmith)

John - 7 February 1813 A & A (may be the John on the 1841 census)
William GARDNER - 17 September 1815 - Anthony & Anne
Ann GARDENER - 23 August 1818 - Anthony & Anne
Michael - 16 February 1823, Anthony & Anne

1841 Census, Ampney Crucis (transcribed as GARDN - very faint)

Anthony GARDN - 65
Jacob - 35
Ann - 20
Michael - 15


by Cas36, Monday, August 16, 2021, 21:14 (1302 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Very interested to come across this thread. My 3x great grandmother Mary Ann Gardner m William Short in 1849 in Cheltenham. On the marriage certificate she gives her fathers name as Giles Gardner occupation Blacksmith. I’m wondering if she could be the Mary Ann Gardner baptised 9 Jan 1925 Ampney Crusis Gloucestershire. Daughter of Giles and Dorothy Gardner, his occupation Blacksmith. On the 1851 census Mary gives her birth place as Cirencester. I know Ampney is just outside Cirencester and I can find no likely candidates there. Anyone’s thought would be appreciated.


by MPGriffiths @, Monday, August 16, 2021, 21:53 (1302 days ago) @ Cas36

Just cancelled my Ancestry Subscription, but will see what I can do.


by Cas36, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 07:01 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Thank you. I do have access to Ancestry via my cousins account but I’m at a loss how to prove they are both the same Mary.


by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 07:10 (1301 days ago) @ Cas36

I’ll have a look today in my folders etc. Who were the witnesses at the Wedding.


by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 09:02 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

For some reason, I can still get into Ancestry - and do question this 1841 census in Cheltenham

Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, Exmouth Street

Joseph VICK 35
Harriett VICK 40
Eliza - 5
Matilda - 3
Harriett - 1
and with them is

Charles GARDNER - 15 (all born in County)
Mary GARDNER -14
Hepzibah GARDNER - 13 (Ancestry, has it transcribed as Elizabeth)

and can call up the marriage, with witnesses _ George BERRIGE and Mary GOLDING


by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 10:42 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Just for info

1851 Census, Cheltenham

14 Gloster Place

living with Jane SHORT - aged 50 - born Ireland

William SHORT - 24 - Servant, born Gloster Chelt
Mary SHORT - daughter - 24 - Milliner & Dressmaker - born Cirencester
Edward - Grandson - 1 - born Cheltenham

etc etc


Depending who was answered the question, (ie Place of Birth) when the Enumerator 'stood at the door'

Can't see another marriage of a Mary SHORT (father Giles GARDNER) - so assume it's more thane likely Mary was christened in Ampney Cruis - (very small hamlet).

? what happened to William & Mary SHORT after 1851

William Edward SHORT, christened at Cheltenham 20 March 1850

parents: William Edward (Servant) and Mary Ann SHORT, - Gloucester Place


by MPGriffiths @, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 11:00 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

The Tree on Ancestry, shows in 1861 - William E SHORT aged 12 - is still in Cheltenham living with the COOK family - no sign of his parents and by 1871 - William SHORT is in Paddington, London aged 45, Valet Domestic Servant, born Cheltenham (no sign of his Wife)


by Cas36, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 12:34 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Yes that is probably my cousins tree. After marrying William Short and having son William Edward ( known as Edward) Mary disappears. We can find no census or death/burial record for her. I’ve never had any luck identifying the witnesses at her wedding either.
Maybe one day I’ll get a Short/Gardner DNA match on 23&me.
Thank you for replying, much appreciated.


by Cas36, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 16:42 (1301 days ago) @ MPGriffiths

Yes I’ve looked at the school admissions record before. It could well be them.

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