The info we give / find (General)

by fredb @, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 17:16 (5695 days ago) @ kiwiceltic

Kiwi - My post wasn't meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable about asking for help, sorry if it does. Nothing can beat local knowlege, a mis-spelt name is spotted easily by people living there. The same with surnames, transcribers like researchers are often overseas, and possibly not old enough to have written with a pen dipped in ink, which was compulsory for me, and I made a real mess. And the way capital letters are elaborated is an art. I still tend to write my capital F's backwards, and my T's like that F but with no middle bar, and I had to explain to someone recently that the S was in fact how I write a capital I. I'm sure we have all had that "eurika" moment when the writing on a birth certificate suddenly makes sense. How could my great grandfathers name be Susan? Scanned, blown up, enhanced, what the hell does it say? It turned out to be Isaac, and it didn't make things any better when I asked my brother "What do you think that name is?" he screwed his face up a bit and said "Isaac" 20 seconds and it took me hours. LOL. cheers fred

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