Thomas Moore's death in mining accident (General)

by cmfenton @, Ferndown, Dorset, Monday, August 31, 2009, 15:09 (5670 days ago) @ Jean Herbert

Gloucester County Council have an online index to their gaol records which contains:

Year Surname Forename Gender Parish Reference Occupation Catalog
1878 Smith Philip U Not quoted Q/Gc6/7 miner 108 Gaol

Ancestry have England & Wales Criminal Registers which includes an image of the summary for Gloucester Assizes for 02Aug1878 where Philip Smith and George Greenwood were charged with manslaughter.
The verdict reads : "Discharged upon recognizances being entered into for appearance to receive judgement when called on" - which sounds to me like being released on bail to reappear for sentencing.

All seems to match the case you are interested in though there's no mention of George Greenwood in the inquests of the two men killed.


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