Occupation question - Tin Plate pickling (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, October 09, 2009, 20:22 (5631 days ago) @ Simone

.... the plates are covered in scale and therefore must be pickled. This involves dipping the plates in sulphuric acid for five minutes. The pickling turns the scales into a greenish-black slime which is removed via annealing.

Tin plate is sheet iron or steel coated with tin. The plates of sheet iron are first well cleaned by washing,
then dipped in melted tin, and afterwards in a solution of diluted sulphuric acid, this last process being
known as pickling. The sheets are then scoured with fine sand and water and afterwards dried.
To obtain the proper softness, they are next annealed, sorted, and passed between rollers
which impart to them an even thickness. This rolling hardens the plates, after which they are again annealed,
sorted, pickled, and trimmed.

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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