Parents of Eliza Whittington (born 1835) (General)

by lesleyr @, London, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 23:19 (5626 days ago)

I am researching my gg grandmother Eliza Whittington who was born in the Coleford region about 1835. Her father was definitely called James but I have a problem with the name of her mother.
Eliza (aged 8) and her siblings Lucy (6), James (5) and William (a baby) were baptised in Monmouth on 2 November 1843, the names of their parents being given as James and Eliza. But the 1841 census gives the name of her mother as Harriet which fits in with the marriage of James Whittington to Harriet Hale in Abinghall on 22 June 1834.
There was also another sibling called Elizbeth who was baptised in English Bicknor in 1841, the daughter of James and Harriet. I am beginning to think that Harriet and ELiza were the same person but that makes me wonder why she gave the name of Eliza in Monmouth and Harriet everywhere else.
If anyone can throw light on this I would be grateful,
Thank you,

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