Strip and at it colliery (General)

by ricka99, Sunday, October 25, 2009, 22:51 (5615 days ago)

I wonder if you can Great,Great Grandmother (Emily Charlotte Chadwick) died giving birth to my Great Grandfather (Harry Chadwick) on 28th June 1876. On both the death and birth certificate the location is given as "Strip and at it". I am aware that "Strip and at it" was a colliery but am left wondering where the birth would have been likely to have taken place? Family stories state that Harry was born in a pub. Looking at the history on this site a pub called "The Swan" is mentioned... could this have been known by a different name in 1876? Emily was a domestic servant.
A Sarah Knight is stated as being present and a witness to the birth and death, do you therefore have any records as to whether she was a local midwife ?
Harry was the illegitimqate son of Emily and a Dan Barrett Pogson. Dan Pogson is shown on the 1871 census as a surveyor in East Dean ,we know he left Emily and went to Australia but we do not know when he left East Dean...are there any employment records that could possibly show any dates he was employed there?
I would be grateful for any information you may have to shed light on these issues.
Thank you

Michelle Rickerby.

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