The MALVERN surname (General)

by malverna, Thursday, November 05, 2009, 20:42 (5599 days ago) @ jackmalvern

I thought you might be interested as my family tree goes back to Simon Malvern of Oxenhall. My direct ancestor was Charles Malvern (b1747 ,married Sarah Cannon), and his son Thomas Malvern was my ancestor. I was unaware that Charles Malvern had 3 sons.
Thomas Malvern I believe was an auctioneer who came to Cheltenham via Tewksbury. His son Charles Malvern(b1835) was my great grandfather, and he was a Wesleyian lay preacher, and a builder by trade, with a yard in Winchcome street Cheltenham.
I certainly would be intetested in filling in details a bit further back.

Alan Malvern

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