READs of Ruardean Woodside (General)

by Matt, Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 22:43 (5592 days ago) @ rookancestrybest

Blink and you miss it ! After Slowhands' advice that there could be multiple baptisms I went away to do some more research. Meanwhile, my question was answered and I have only just caught up... and discovered there is more to do!

For example it is evident that Elizabeth died before the 1851 Census but is she the same Elizabeth Wilce buried at Ruardean in 1850 who was 28 years? There has to be some doubt because if it is the same woman who married in 1838 she would have been nearer 32 in 1850. Of course, it may just be that no one knew how old she really was when she died and guessed her age at 28 - something similar happened when her father (George Read) died in 1846. He was shown as age 56 when in fact he was nearer 61!

I have a copy of George's Will and in a Codicil, Richard Wilce (Elizabeth's eldest son with James Wilce) is named as a beneficiary. Bearing in mind Richard was only about 6 years old at the time the Codicil was written, this bequest is intriguing to say the least. I am still in the process of transcribing this Will but I will post more details when I have completed it.

So far as rookancestrybest point is concerned, the Read's were Bible Christians, a non-conformist sect that arrived in the Forest around 1823. It may be that Elizabeth and her brother George were baptised as part of a larger group or as part of their 'conversion'.

Thank you everyone for your advice and help so far !

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