Names of 110 Special People (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, November 22, 2009, 05:41 (5589 days ago)

These are the names of all the people who have so far have voluntary participated in the transcribing of the Parish Records. If it was not for these people freely giving their time we would not have any transcripts of the Parish Records on the Web site.

I've doubled checked to make sure I've not missed anybody out, If for some reason I have, please let me know.

Debbie Abrey
Sharon Anderson
Paul Andrews
Mary Atkins
Megan Baker
Ray Baldwin
Jeri Bascom
Frank Baynham
Roy Beard
Trevor Betterton
Peter Bolson
May Brace
Mike Bradshaw
Barbara Brown
Ann Butcher
Jeff Carrick
Clive Caswell
Graham Chamberlain
Juliet Chandler
Jean Cholak
Sharon Churchill
Elizabeth Clark
Liz Clarke
Elizabeth Clarke
Deb Coe
Michele Cook
Dennis Corbett
Ian Crump
David Daniell
Ray Davies
Susan Davies
Graham Davison
Sandra Day
James De Block
Keith Denerley
Brian Ellis
Nichola Elsigood
Wendy Ford
Joyce Garlick
Kay Gehl
Jenny George
Carole Gillespie
Jeff Gould
Jeff Gouldn
Rachel Greiner
Annette Grindle
Bev Gunter
Mike Gwilliam
Bernard Hagan
Gerald Hale
Diane Hale
Chris Hall
Cyndy Hannan
Linda Hansen
Janet Hardcastle
Tony Harrison
Tracey Hatton
Lynn Hiscott
Joanne Hodges
Samantha Hoy
Joyce Johnston
Kathy Jones
Jennie Jones
Shirley Jones
Rhonda Jones
Roger Jones
Ann Kempson
Pat King
Valerie Leonard
Nolene Lossau
Matthew MacGregor
Gill MacMillan
Della Markey
Gill McMillan
Sue Merizon
Alan Merryweather
Jacob Metcalfe
Jeff Morgan
Malcolm Norris
Heather Owen
Sheila Padden
Derek Pearce
Anthony Phillips
Simon Phillips
Ian Riddell
Liz Robertson
Sadie Robinson
Robert Ryder
Gwen Sabin
Mike Sadler
Alan Sharples
Scott Shuster
David Skinner
Peter Smith
David Soar
Robert Sterry
Brigid Stote-Blandy
Simone Taylor
Martin Thomas
Russell Thorne
Alan Tomlinson
Gill Webb
Patricia Webb
Susan Wilkes
Tony Williams
Mike Williamson
Jan Wilson
Brian Wragg
Ted Wright

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