extra Latin ! (General)

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, November 27, 2009, 15:02 (5584 days ago) @ Ralph Cook

best translation I can offer you

Gualterus Paganus Hardwick and Paracelyus Hardwick
Walter Countryman Hardwick & (Paracelsus) " most stately " Hardwick
Para Celsus - greater than the Roman medical writer Celsus

“Miner against miner, and miners against all men”
Engraved on a sword for “Eustace Hardwicke Esq., Free Miner of Ye Forest of Deane, 1697.”



Year: 1694
Month: Mar
Day: 27
Forenames: Eustace
Officiating_Minister: Cha[rle]s Chapman Vic[ar]
Event: Burial
Memoranda: natural son of Eustace Hardwick Esq. by Elizabeth Mason
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/1 Part 1
Page_No: 213
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Year: 1702
Month: [not stated]
Day: 0
Parents_Surname: HARDWICK
Child_Forenames: not stated
Fathers_Forenames: Eustace
Mothers_Forenames: not stated
Mothers_Surname: BEAL
Officiating_Minister: Cha[rles] Chapman Vic[a]r
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Two children have been born within ye space of two year last past in ye House of Eustace Hardwick Esq[uir]e of one Mrs. Beal Servant or Housekeeper to ye s[ai]d Mr Hardwick who is ye Reupted Father of w[hi]ch no Account has been given to ye Regist[e]r as
Notes: Date probably between March 11 & 25 1701/02 old style date
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/1 Part 1
Page_Number: 169
Parish_Chapel: Awre

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

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