William Saunders born abt 1845 (General)

by Jean Herbert @, Leeds Yorkshire, Sunday, November 29, 2009, 18:48 (5581 days ago)

On the 1881 census East Dean RG11 piece 2523 folio 95 page 13 it shows:

William Saunders Head occ: Stone Mason born abt 1845 Old Furnace Bottom Gloucestershire.
Emma Saunders Wife age 34 born abt 1847 Blakeney Hill Gloucestershire
Thomas E Prior Nephew age 9 born abt 1872 Blakeney Hill Gloucestershire
(Thomas E Prior was actually born in 1871 Tidenham)

Thomas E Prior's mother,Lucy Prior, brother John and Lucy Annie are living a few streets away.

Can anyone tell me where William Saunders and his wife Emma and nephew were on the 1891/1901 census as I cannot find them anywhere, neither can I find Lucy and her two other children? At this present time I am more interested in the whereabouts of Thomas E Prior and William Saunders and his wife Emma.
Thank you
Regards Jean Herbert

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