Genealogy Help Files (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, November 30, 2009, 13:37 (5581 days ago)

In response to → Original certificates


I enjoyed reading your post about certificates, it was very interesting and helpful and I would not have minded if you had written more on the subject.

Very often we get the same questions repeated in the forum and because of this I've intended putting together a number of help files on a variety of subjects which we could direct people to so they could then download these files and keep them for reference. Though I never seem to get around to doing this with all the other things I need do on the website.

If you would would like to expand on your post and also include the places where people can obtain the certificates from and put it all into a document. This could then be the start of a number of help files we could have.

I already have two help files which would be suitable:
Census Returns.pdf
Emigrants Documents in the Public Record Office.pdf

These two files I have just put in our download section in a newly created folded titled Help Files.

Help Files Section

It would be nice if we could get a few more Help Files added in this section. I am sure there are a few amongst us that have the skill and knowledge that would be willing to write a help file. If anybody would like to assist in this little project then please let me know.

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