Knapp Family of Newport (General)

by bristolloggerheads @, Monday, November 30, 2009, 19:51 (5581 days ago)

I know it's a little off region but saw the other thread and have this to offer:

Merlin. 5th March, 1886
Emma Knapp - Again

The now notorious Emma Knapp was again brought up for being drunk and disorderly in Canal Parade. On Saturday night P.C. Colbourne said he was on duty at the bottom of Llanarth Street. He saw defendant using very bad language and ordered her to go home, but she refused and he took her into custody. Defendant said she only came out on Saturday from doing two months (Laughter). She said she only had two glasses because she felt as weak as a robin and the drink must have overcome her. She had purchased the drink out of a shilling given her on release from Usk.

She begged hard to be let off, and then she would leave the town. The Chairman reminded her that she had given that promise before. It was the defendant's 35th appearance, and the Chairman thought it would be best to send her to the asylum at Abergavenny. She said she would rather go there. The Clerk said he believed she was not right. To the defendant he said, "You are looking better this morning than I have seen you in a long time - your sojourn at Usk has evidently done you good." (Laughter) The defendant was committed for another fourteen days.

Knapp Family of Newport

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, December 01, 2009, 02:19 (5580 days ago) @ bristolloggerheads


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