Noah Mason (General)

by mcdonald74, Saturday, December 05, 2009, 22:27 (5575 days ago) @ Phil Mason

Hello Phil Noah Mason was my Fathers grt grt Grandfather too,Noahs Daughter Ellen was my Dads grt Grandmother,it is beleaved Ellen married one of Noahs brothers(Benjamin) sons who was deaf and dumb as were several of their offspring which would of made Ellens husband her first cousin we found out that Noahs other brother Jotham was witness at the marriage.They went on to have a Daughter Florence Evelin Mason my Dads nan who married a Edward Jones and went to live in Abertillery with him in South Wales,i take it if Noah is related to you you must be related to us?We are aware that Noah married Charlotte Barnard would you know anything of her family?My Father would love to hear from you All the best Duncan

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