Wye Trows (General)

by bristolloggerheads @, Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 18:09 (5397 days ago) @ peteressex

I am a bit conscious we are straying from the Forest here and don't want to upset anyone. You can contact me off-board at bristolloggerheads"at"blueyonder"dot"co"dot"uk replacing the words with the usual symbols.

You might possibly add from the parish of Blore,
Thomas Styre listed as "syngulmen" in 1532 Lichfield B/A/27ii published by LRO as "A List of Families in the Archdeaconry of Stafford" this includes quite a bit of Shropshire but I'm not sure where Blore was.
The other references are in the Lay Subsidy of 1524 E179/166/136, Greete etc,
E179/166/129 Fitz and 1525 Greete, E179/166/127. Probate reference is HP/537/266. The Lay Subsidy 1524-27 has been published by Michael Faraday.

I have also checked the Gloucester Port Books and can't find any likely candidates for masters. (This covers 1575-1760 ish.)


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