Lucy TRIGG 1871 & Edward YOUNG 1869 - BRYANT connection (General)

by JENNY ROBINSON, Saturday, September 18, 2010, 20:50 (5280 days ago) @ slowhands

thankyou so much.! I do not think either of these Walters is directly related as
1) my grandfather Walter Bryant(dob1833) who lived at 8 Redfield pl in 1881 & 1891 and died in 1900his father was i think Willia names

I do not know his brothers & sister,s names or dob

2) my great aunts & uncles were
Mary Hannah (1861), William(1868)Charles1870Arthur Henry1875, Thomas William 1863 died 1874 & ? Jane Bryant (later Alden which probably does not help

If I could trace my great grandfather's brothers I might find one of them was related to either George Bryant schoolmaster at Drybrook (1873) or Gwyneth Bryant(born 1900) who married the son of James George Bryant from ?RiscalWhat do you think?

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