A. Ellis living at Bank St. Coleford 1907 (General)

by rookancestrybest @, United Kingdom, Sunday, February 13, 2011, 18:52 (5140 days ago) @ nigel

That makes you my cousin four times removed! I only have the two post cards, the front of which are the old photographs of Coleford I posted on this site. They were sent to Loui/Louisa Jane Rook who was my great-great Auntie. Her photograph has already been posted on this site in the photographs section along with that of May Gwendoline Pritchard. Do you know who Cousin Zita Pritchard was? I have a very tiny picture of her which might not scan well but if you want it I can try to do it for you. I have now scanned both sides for you and will work out how to send them by e-mail in a few moments as I think there's a way without needing to post your e-mail address on here!

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