Rick and Sheila - GIBBS Family Lydbrook (General)

by jimashton @, Tuesday, April 05, 2011, 13:06 (5082 days ago) @ unknown


I have Morgan Gibbs 1874 in my family tree, although I am not related to him and therefore not related to you, unless by subsequent relationships. I tend to follow the siblings and parents of spouses and sometimes go too far.

In this case Morgan Gibbs 1874 was the son of George Gibbs & Prudence Harris. Prudence Harris was baptised 10 Feb 1828 Drybrook, daughter of Richard Harris 1792/1875 & Sophia Roberts 1804/1836 **. Prudence Harris married James Collins 1821/1870 at Chistchurch 3 Dec 1848. James Collins died 2 Jun 1870 in an accident at Trafalgar Colliery : James was an Inclineman at Trafalgar Colliery, details of his death are recorded as "In attaching a loaded tram to a set the trigger slipped on a sleeper and the set backed and crushed him to death".

James Collins was the son of Jonathon Collins 1770/1853 & Martha Brakespear 1782/1838.

James Collins & Prudence Harris had 6 children including Sophia Collins 1860/1901 who married my Great Great Uncle George Treherne born 19 Jun 1857, one of the 3 illegitimate children of my Great Great Grandmother Charlotte Treherne 1820/1890 - George committed suicide 11 Mar 1913.

1851Census Woolhope, Herefordshire
James Collins abt 1822 East Hanney, Berkshire, Head
Prudence Collins abt 1827 Lidbrook, Wife
Sarah Collins abt 1849 Lidbrook, Daughter

1861 Census East Dean
James Collins abt 1822 N Head
Rebecca Collins abt 1822 N Wife
Sarah A Collins abt 1849 Ledbury, , England Daughter
Richard Collins abt 1852 East Dean, Son
Martha Collins abt 1853 East Dean, Daughter
James Collins abt 1856 East Dean, Son
James Collins abt 1857 East Dean, Son
Sophia Collins abt 1859 East Dean, Daughter

1871 Census West Dean
Prudence Collins abt 1826 West Dean, Head
Martha Collins abt 1854 West Dean, Daughter
Isaac Collins abt 1859 West Dean, Son
Sophia Collins abt 1861 West Dean, Daughter
Richard Collins abt 1863 West Dean, Son
Esther Ann Collins abt 1865 West Dean, Daughter
James Collins abt 1870 West Dean Son

1881 Census West Dean
Prudence Gibbs abt 1831 Lydbrook, Head
Richard Collins abt 1863 Lydbrook, Son
Esther Collins abt 1865 Lydbrook, Daughter
James Collins abt 1870 Lydbrook, Son
Morgan Gibbs abt 1874 Lydbrook, Son

1881 Census Worral Hill Lydbrook
George Treherne 1860 Lydbrook
Sophia 1860 Bream
George 1880 Lydbrook

1891 Censys Camomile Green, Lydbrook
George Treherne 1858
Sophia 1861Lydbrook
George 1880 Lydbrook
Lydia A 1883 Lydbrook
James H 1886 Lydbrook
Isaac C 1888 Lydbrook
Sydney 1890 Lydbrook

1901 Census Lydbrook 60 The Rocks
George Treherne 46 Coal Miner West Dean
Sophia 41 East Dean
George H 21 Coal Miner East Dean
Lydia A 18 East Dean
Isaac C 13 East Dean
Sidney 11 East Dean
James H 9 East Dean
William O 6 East Dean
Martha E 2 East Dean
Charlotte E 1 East Dean

See also the following thread :


This thread put me in touch with my 3rd cousin Linda Watkins nee Treherne and brought about significant changes to my Family tree.

** I have 363 Roberts in my Family Tree so I would be interested in any information regarding Sophia Roberts 1804 who married Richard Harris 27 Mar 1825 Walford

Jim Ashton

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