Dufty/Lewis/Kear Family - Forest of Dean (General)

by unknown, Thursday, August 18, 2011, 19:30 (4953 days ago) @ unknown

An earlier post said that William and Jane sailed with their 5 children to New Zealand. This can't be correct, unless my information is wrong. I'm currently trying to get birth certificates to verify my information. As far as I know the oldest child Oliver Kear sailed to America alone on the Abyssinia. He arrived 12 May 1880. This is how I am related to William and Jane(Lewis)Kear.

Paul Gottlieb Kear- born Nov.4,1978,
Father-Richard Nathan Kear, born-Dec.17,1952(Wife-Elise Arthur)
Grandfather-William Sylva Kear Jr., born-Nov.18,1919(Wife-Evelyn Rosales)
Great Grandfather-William Thomas Kear, born-Nov.11,1892(Wife-Lorenzo P.Sylva)
G,Great Grandfather-Oliver Kear, born- abt 1855/1860(Wife-Rachel Hamlin)
G,G,G, Grandfather-William Kear, born-March 2,1836(Wife-Jane Lewis)
G,G,G,G,Grandfather-William Kear,born-1817 (Wife-Elizabeth Hatton)
G,G,G,G,G,Grandfather-Thomas Kear,Born ? (Wife Hariet Griffiths)


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