Barbara Rhoda BUFFREY/Leonard James DYER - marriage details (General)

by m p griffiths @, Thursday, April 12, 2012, 13:17 (4706 days ago) @ Sapo

FOD records

Marriage at Cinderford St John - 21 December 1940

Leonard James DYER
age 21, occupation: Turner

grooms residence: 135 Blackham Road, Walthamstow E17

father: Frederick Arthur DYER, Engineer


Barbara Rhoda BUFFREY, age 23, Spinster
residence: St John's School House

father: Ralph Ernest BUFFREY

witnesses: Dorothy DYER, Ralph E BUFFREY

Officiating Minister: Tom T HAINES (Vicar)




Birth - West Ham District, July/Aug/Sept Qtr 1919

Leonard J DYER, mother's maiden name PASKINS


Marriage - West Ham District, Oct/Nov/Dec Qtr 1911

Frederick A DYER/Dorothy PASKINS


As the Marriage took place, West Ham District - this may be the correct PASKINS family

1901 Census, Registration District, West Ham
Essex, Walthamstow,

Blackhouse Lane


Albert - 42, Blacksmith's mate, born Brighton **
Eliza - 41 - born Hove
Chas Wilfred - son - 13 - born Hove
Dorothy - daughter - 10 - born Hove
Ethel Mary - age 3, born Walthamstow
Harold Courtney, son, age 7 months, born Walthamstow



England & Wales Christening records

Albert PASKINS, christened 7 Oct 1855, parents Charles & Susan - of Brighton, Sussex


1911 Census
West Ham, Essex

Frederick Arthur DYER age 28


1911 Census
West Ham

Dorothy PASKINS age 20
Eliza PASKINS age 51
Ethel Mary PASKINS - 13

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