The future of this resource (Announce)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 14:43 (4560 days ago)

Firstly - Keep Calm and Keep Researching


We felt it was time to give you some reassurance that slowly , quietly in the background the core team has been working to ensure that this important resource stays online and has a future.

The most important first step was to ensure stability of the site and the information held here, be it in the Forum and its many replies, the picture archive, transcriptions etc. We are confident that we have achieved that for the medium term.

One challenge is funding, we'll not bore you with the detail or reasons, but in the short term we have had to suspend the "donations" feature of the site. We need to turn this on as soon as possible so that we can continue to pay for the Hosting platform. We have a plan to solve this !

The Team will be meeting face to face in the next few weeks to discuss a development plan and priorities for the site as a fitting Legacy of Dave's inspiration. Please feel free to let us know what you would like to see here - we cannot promise to deliver but all sensible suggestions will be considered.

We will update you as decisions are taken.


David, Graham, May, Michael, Wendy and Slowhands

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