Absalom Trigg/Twigg & wife emigrated 1863 (General)

by jimashton @, Friday, March 22, 2013, 12:46 (4362 days ago) @ GARY TRIGG

Hi Gary

A long time between postings, the last being in 2008. I "think" you must be the Garry Trigg in my Family Tree, if so you are my 7th cousin once removed. You will probably know most of what follows, but for the sake of the thread :

Absalom Trigg was my 4th cousin 3 times removed born 6 Jun 1831. His first wife Hannah did indeed die aboard the Brothers Pride, together with another 43 people :

From the "Lyttelton Times" December 8 1863 Additional newspaper article, appearing in the "Lyttelton Times", December 10 1863:
On Tuesday last we briefly noticed the arrival of this vessel at the Heads, and although we possessed the information, since proved to be too true, respecting the amount of sickness on board, for the sake of the friends on shore we refrained from publishing the melancholy intelligence that fourty-four deaths had occurred during the passage.
In our columns will be found a list of sufferers as well as the number of births. We hear that Captain Sproul, on board the vessel, was refused the charge of the ship, and the offer of the pilot to place his boat and crew at the service of the ship to obtain fresh supplies for the sick children was also refused.
On Tuesday evening the anchor was raised and sail made before half a gale of wind blowing from the south-west, and at daylight the next morning the vessel was out of sight. She returned yesterday morning when off Camp Bay, and was immediately ordered to hoist the Yellow Jack.
This peremtory order of the Health Commissioner not appearing to suit this cavalier officer, in two or three hours the anchor was again up and, with the assistance of the light breeze from the north-east, the Brother's Pride was brought up just astern of the Lancashire Witch. We presume the authorities will not permit their orders, to be set at defiance, and the law treated with contempt.

Absalom then married Annie Grundy born 1849 Wales on 11 Feb 1867 Christchurch, NZ. They had 2 children, the second born 1871 and Annie died 16 Aug 1873.
Absalom remarried 18 Mar 1879 Wainui, NZ to Esther Arnold born 18 Jan 1853. They had 8 children and Esther died 14 Nov 1942 Okaihau, NZ. Absalom died 5 Jun 1900 Okaihau, NZ.

One of Absalom & Esther Arnold's children Percival Arnold Trigg born 17 May 1881 married twice, Lucy Emily Snell and Eva Hilde Edge. With his first wife Lucy he had a great grandson Garry John.

Jim Ashton

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