Sarah DORRINGTON nee JONES c1800s Newland (General)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, June 21, 2013, 23:41 (4273 days ago) @ AlexBourke

Hi Alex,
Thanks for saying you've been using the site & forum to build your tree. You therefore probably know there are quite a few Sarah Jones' born to Thomas' in the early 1800s within possible reach of the Newland area. Do you have Ancestry etc access ?. I don't, but searching for her using the excellent LDS site (LatterDay Saints aka FamilySearch) gives several Sarahs born 1800-1810, especially if you consider she may be from across the nearby Wye into Wales, likely I think given her father's name.

I use this span of birthdate as I think your 1805-1807 date is too narrow. From another post on this thread is a summary of her Census details:

West Dean census: 1841 Sarah "35" - see below
West Dean census: 1851 Sarah 49 so born abt 1802
West Dean census: 1861 Sarah 55 so born abt 1806
West Dean census: 1871 Sarah 70 so born abt 1801

As you can see Sarah's given age so birthdate varies rather a lot which is not helpful eg from the 1841 she's born abt 1806, but by the 1851 it's 1802 !.
However during the 1841 Census, adult's ages were rounded to the nearest 5yrs.
So during the 1841 Census her actual given age may have been 33 to 38, say, which gives an actual birthdate from 1803 to 1808.
For later Census' they recorded the exact GIVEN age, unfortunately this often varied particularly with ladies...
In my experience some lady's given ages tended to be artifically lower when they were actually abt 50, yet even older as they became 70 or so. In this respect wrt the 1851 Census, I'd guess she was quite probably already 50 when claiming to be 49.

Based on this judgement personally I'd consider births as early as 1802 as "possibles" for your Sarah.

So, sorry, not a great aid to finding "your" Sarah's birth amongst the possibles, but I thought I should mention this unhelpful fact anyhow wrt the 1841 Census.
I hope it's some assistance, maybe from your previous searches you found an "almost possible" born outside your 1805-1807 who maybe deserves reconsidering, I do hope so.

atb Jeff

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