William Vaughan b1848 Blakeney - Forest boy in the Scrubs (General)

by Mike Pinchin @, Bedford, England, Saturday, October 19, 2013, 18:17 (4154 days ago) @ Jefff

Delving deeper into Ancestry there are four possibles involving a William VAUGHAN:-

14th Oct 1862. Michaelmas Quarter Sessions at Gloucester.
Convicted of larceny. 3 months hard labour.

17th March 1868. Easter Quarter Sessions at Gloucester.
Convicted of larceny. 1 month hard labour.
Previous convictions noted - nil.

19th Oct 1875. Michaelmas Quarter Sessions at Gloucester.
Not Guilty of larceny after a previous conviction.

16th Dec 1876. Winter Gaol Delivery at Worcester.
Convicted of sheep stealing and former conviction of felony.
7 years penal servitude.

Some of these tie up with previous information. However, there are a lot of William VAUGHANs around and this source gives no information on age or residence so it's impossible to say it's the same person.

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